Welcome to Constellation | Starfield | Ep. 1 First Playthrough

Literally so overwhelmed that it’s hard to breathe. Thank you so much to the kind team at Bethesda for gifting me this review code! Join me as we travel space, meet new companions, fight humans and strange aliens alike, and uncover the mysteries of space! There is so much to learn and uncover and I’m excited to have you all along for the ride!

For reference, I am playing on the Xbox Series X.

00:11:13 – Character creation
00:32:24 – Game continues

This will be a bit of a completionist run! I do plan on doing all the side-quests, and missions, and uncovering as much from the planets as I can. Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next-generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.

#starfield #bethesda #reviewcode


38 thoughts on “Welcome to Constellation | Starfield | Ep. 1 First Playthrough”

  1. Hi all! Remember that we are going to do a live stream here on YouTube at 6:30pm EST to deep dive into more thoughts, questions, and show off some planet exploration!

  2. I only watched your introduction, and I won't watch the rest of the video until I get started with the game myself.
    I hope you have a blast playing, and once I have played myself for a bit I will get caught up on your videos, because so far, every playthrough of yours I have watched, I also thoroughly enjoyed.

  3. I know there was lots of hype but space exploration is space exploration. Looks like No Man's Sky. It's free on Gamepass and I'll still pass. Plus I saw BG III gameplay today for the first time….I'm good on that too. I prefer the BG Dark Alliance games or Diablo. The combat was too slow. So yeah two very anticipated games and I'm sticking with indie titles.

  4. Hate to be a contrarian, but I'm getting open-world fatigue by just looking at this for 20 seconds and for some reason I'm not exited by this game at all. Still going to watch you play though. Hopefully it's one of those games that starts out slow and gets exiting as it progresses.

  5. 16:22 lol I swear I probably spend the first couple hours in character creation trying to make it look as close to me as possible. I grinded the hell out of Skyrim and Fallout 4. my first character in skyrim was a redguard mainly focused on the warrior skills. I got that character to level 118. my next character I started I focused on the mage skills, but I can't remember if it was a high elf or dark elf. when Skyrim dropped that's all my life was at the time was work and Skyrim lol but anyways love your content Cyn. Have you ever played Oblivion?

  6. I love your playthroughs. You take the same aproach I do. You ARE your charachter. You see everything, try everything, talk to everyone and thinks about things like its really happening. Your RDR2 playthrough is the one of the most entertaining I ever saw… and I saw a lot. I love watching that game… its the greatest Western movie of all time. I will watch anyone play RDR2.

    I can't wait to comparatively watch DSP bumble through Starfield as fast as possible, half dead and lost the entire time and refusing to read anything, leave the trail or engage with any system or mechanic that isn't forced by a mission requirement while complaining all his troubles are due to poor game design and bugs only he manages to experience.
    Such a stark contrast. Lol

    If you have "Todd Howard Lied" and "I did nothing wrong" on your DSP bingo card…. enjoy your winnings. 😂

    Thank you Cyn, I look forward to the other 98 hours of this series. Its gonna be the best, most honest impression of the game we will get.

  7. Wow the "Lets talk about this" feature is really cool. I can't believe you talked your way out of being jacked by those pirates.
    If I am not mistaken… that was gonna be the battle we saw in the demo if it went differently.

    And thats exactly what I would have done IRL… there's no treasure, go and take a look. No point in getting shot for nothing but astronaut ice cream and ants.

    So many games boast they have consequential decision making and multiple scenario outcomes… but that was so organic. That didn't feel at all like the 3 card Monty most "choices" are in games.

  8. So cool you got the review code! I don't think I'll be able able to play the game any time soon, but I don't get about spoilers, so I'll watch your adventures ^^ Let's see just how massive this universe actually is!

  9. Too bad Cyn can't make her own pre-recorded message for when Barrett finds all his good stuff has been SOLD! LOL "Yeah, B, sis needed fuel so… oops, there goes the helmet.. oh! and look, that musty ol' baseball too! Thanks, bro." Your comment about spiders reminds me of the initial scenes in Skyrim: Hadvar, "Giant spiders! What's next? Giant snakes?"

  10. My favorite thing about you is that you’re so unfazed by pretty much everything… until it comes to weird critters and bugs. Guess I know what to have in my pocket in case you ever get on my nerves! 😌

    Real talk though: I can already say this playthrough is going to provide some immaculate content. I’m so excited to go on this journey with you, as you’re the only person I’m watching play this (though perhaps I’ll play myself in the future). As always, thanks for the laughs and insight when it comes to everything you do. Your effort and passion is forever noticed.

  11. What about the spiders that eat up all the fruit flies? eh eh… they serve a purpose, as long as they stay in their window corner and not in the corner above our bed at night.

  12. The game is really great so far. I did have one bug where Noel didn't give me the lodge tour, so I had no idea which bedroom I supposedly had. I just reloaded my save game and tried the conversation again. So there are a few things like that. But not too many, at least they're not crazy ones like in prior Bethesda games.
    Also, some of the missions you accept are timed, and I didn't realise that When I accepted them and I almost didn't make it. Don't want any failed missions on my record!

  13. Hey, I just wanted to say that this is my first real video to see of yours. It is a game that I am so hyped about and I saw you with the Miranda Lorian. And I loved that video as well looking forward to your journey into star field.


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