Welcome To Constellation! Starfield [E1]

In the year 2330, humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. You will join Constellation – the last group of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy – and navigate the vast expanse of space in Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest and most ambitious game.

Get Starfield Here: https://bit.ly/3KVvHYD

#starfield #z1gaming


35 thoughts on “Welcome To Constellation! Starfield [E1]”

  1. I need help with Display options and getting it to run smooth and look good, even on medium/low settings I'm getting frame drop/screen freeze. My Rig RTX 3080, intel i9-11900f, 32gb ram, acer predator 1920×1080 60Hz

  2. Can't say im not disappointed by all the losding screen instesd of hyper drive or more freedom, like taking off into space and not loading out.

    But im still positive about the game overhaul by all the stuff packed in it. I loved Bethesda games (not all) despite their… goof

  3. Please, PLEASE, LOOK AT YOUR SCREEN! Many/Most shortcuts and keybinds are shown on screen, such as the 'favourite' function to access weapons from the number keys. (and as with FO4, Medkits are automatically assigned to '0' (zero) key.

    With scanning, you have to 'scan' ( press 'f' to bring up the scanner, then 'e' to scan) multiple 'specimens' of each Plant/Animal to reach %100.

    All weapons have a 'best' range, and most work well at short distances – The Laser Cutter is actually quite effective at close range, plus it can be used while in scan mode.
    Damage is also (slightly) positional in that headshots do more damage, and shooting and NPC's 'backpack' may cause an explosion, which can be quite funny considering the ragdoll physics.

  4. Am i the only one who thought the beginning was super rushed like oh your a nobody miner oh you touched a thing oh pirates oh heres my ship…. like no explanation, no build up just the game says "i have no idea how to start this so… here have this dude ship because reasons and yea perfect"

  5. Awesome stuff Z! I've been critical of some of your content in the past but this was great! The whole homesteader comment is right up my alley as well! Off grid for the win! Thanks for all of your hard work and great content! Can't wait to play this! Edit: I believe DR equals damage reduction. According to many past role playing games. I may be wrong though

  6. I was going to watch this series but the audio balance between Z and the dialog is WAY to far off. When the choice is either Z is loud and the dialog can't be heard, or I can hear the dialog and Z blows out my eardrums I'm going to choose to not watch since not hearing what you are commenting on means the commentary is just Z talking loudly about something I can't hear.


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