Weirdest Company Rules

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49 thoughts on “Weirdest Company Rules”

  1. The Disney one is wrong.
    Walt Disney in all his photos had a cigarette and because Disney is for kids, they crop it out of things and so employees are taught to use their two fingers to make it seem normal but that reason is good

  2. I hate when companies police The language or tone that their employees can use. Because then it doesn't feel genuine anymore. And it feels like you're interacting with a robot because they can't just speak to you plainly

  3. tf you mean Apple banned these words, it's literally the part of…work?? It's almost impossible to code something perfect on the first try, i feel like it's only more inhumane because it really sends a "you can't be not perfect" vibe to me.

  4. lol, I went to Apple Genius Bar (a really useful place) to confirm that my laptop's hard drive had crashed and too see if I could retriee the files on it. For an hour and a half the very nice genius insisted that Apple laptop hard rive cannot crash. He tried everything, Finally I said, "Could you just check to see if the hard drive is not functioning?" I figured out that I should avoid the word "crashed." Sure enough the hard drive had crashed. But yes, he downloaded my files to a disk,.. No charge,.

  5. What do call a person or group, that want to control your speech(words) what you look at, for how long, what you can eat , how long you can go to the bathroom, ?? Better yet how stupid is the people or group you follow agree to do this ???

  6. Ok I usually don’t agree with Elon but as someone with smell sensitivity smelling perfume actually fucking hurts
    Not even like metaphorically or mentally
    Like actual headaches and stabbing
    Depending on the scent it can make my brain really foggy
    One time I used grass scented soap in class and I’ve never been high but I swear I acted a lil loopy AND I had a killer migraine so like
    That one makes sense and society needs to stop shitting on people for sensory issues

  7. I was on my way to an Amazon meeting with three pizzas in the trunk when my passenger sprayed Chanel No.5, causing it to tickly my nose, crash my Tesla, and my facial hair to grow out spontaneously. I stared at my passenger for 7 seconds thinking "This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't spent 9 minutes in that public restroom over there". points with one finger

  8. So Disney says the two finger thing is to avoid offending people but really it’s a hold over from Walt Disney himself! Dude use to smoke upwards of a pack a day, he always had a cigarette and would often keep smoking during pictures. However he know smoking was unhealthy. So he would have the cigarette airbrushed out of most photos! In some old pictures where he’s pointing with two fingers, if you look up you can still see a small smoke trail coming off his hand!

  9. As a former Apple tech support, the only time we can't use the word "problem" is when referring to "known issues" that are yet to be resolved. Also, it might be a US thing because I have spoken to a lot of Genius Bar staff in APAC and have heard them use those words several times.

  10. The disney thing isnt actually for other countries, though they try to spin it that way, it's actually cause Mr. Disney was a chain smoker and has two fingers raised in almost all photos and statues of him because he always had a cigarette and they had to be removed from everything lol.


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