WEEK IN MY LIFE VLOG SAVANNAH, GEORGIA || restaurants, psychic reading, ghost tours, tybee island

First stop of our 5-city road trip was to Savannah, Georgia! We’re spending five days exploring the city—we ate tons of yummy food, shopped, got psychic readings, went on a ghost tour, and got to see my bestie California roomie Ashley!

What a fun filled few days. Can’t wait for stop #2 Charleston!


★ Book Best Western Savannah Historical District: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotels-in-savannah/best-western-savannah-historic-district/propertyCode.11205.html
★ Savannah Travel Guide (restaurant recs, hotel, itinerary + more):
★ Savannah Outfit Guide (outfit ideas, links to shop + directions to photo spots):

COME TO COSTA RICA WITH ME 💗💗💗: https://trovatrip.com/trip//central-america/costa-rica/costa-rica-with-mckenzie-morgan-dec-2023

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*Brands: If you are interested in collaborating with one another please contact me via email at [email protected]*


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