WEEK 17: Learn Arabic Using Quranic Words from kids2kids

Learn Arabic from kids2kids by using the words in the Quran and other resources including the books “80% Quran Words” and “85% Quran Words”. The basic idea in this series of sessions on this channel is to learn Arabic from kids to kids, so kids can prepare, practice, and share their knowledge with each other. When it comes to language skills, kids can pick these skills from each other fairly quickly Mashallah. This is by listening to each other, interacting, reading, searching, understanding, and subsequently verbalizing Arabic. Attempts are made to apply these concepts in this series. Kids not only attempt to memorize the meaning of these Arabic words but also try to find them in the Quran and see how they are used. 99 names of Allah are also practiced in some of these sessions. Some day-to-day Arabic words are also included relevant to counting and vocabulary which could be helpful in daily life. Adults can also find it useful, and parents and teachers may introduce similar strategies.

For quick practice sessions of pages so far

For basics, nouns and adjectives (pages 1-14):

For verbs, grammar, and other words (page 16 onwards):


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