Wear Your Helmet!

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Additional Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio – released under CC-BY 4.0.


31 thoughts on “Wear Your Helmet!”

  1. I think it's in the Brothers of the Snake where an Iron Snakes squad leader gets murked by some random Chaos Cultist with an autogun because he wasn't wearing his helmet.

    40k authors in general love to make fun of the tendency of "Characters" not wearing helmets on the tabletop.

  2. I know they are super human soldiers, but I'd love to have scenes where they are acting like actual people, and not the always stoic emotionless killing machines they were designed to be. Just a scene where they are sitting down on off time outside their armor, eating nutrient cubes or something and just having some fun.

  3. For the love of the Emperor please don't do that accent again. Racist isn't the right word here but it is outright offensive. Nordic and Celtic accents are nothing alike

  4. I loved the story around the same point in thw books where a squad of space wolves who were bound for Guilliman were lost in the warp and on a seemingly daily cycle of dealing with warp threats that that had set into a routine. The days being marked by the midnight hour when thw leering skull presents in thw command room

  5. I mean, head is the most vulnerable part of any human, ESPECIALLY super-human like Astartes, who can survive (and still have some combat capability) having his heart literally torn out of his chest, or being cut in half. Helmet is ANY soldier's main piece of equipment, even since ancient times.

  6. I can imagine pack brothers doing this to each other, because what's not mentioned but is hinted at is that should have Gren died due to the vacuum of space, then the position Gren left will not be refilled.


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