Weapons of Liberty on the front lines of Ukraine: the HIMARS experience

UK, USA, Italy, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, France. This is not a complete list of countries that, since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, have transferred military assistance to Ukraine and continue to do so. And if in February Kyiv could rely mainly on light equipment, for example, Javelins, today the allies are sending heavy weapons to Ukrainian defenders: artillery mounts, tanks, armoured personnel carriers, air defence equipment and multiple launch rocket systems. The Russians are losing their artillery advantage, and therefore continue to invent stories about the destruction of Ukrainian equipment. Why such “statements” should not be believed – in the next article.
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50 thoughts on “Weapons of Liberty on the front lines of Ukraine: the HIMARS experience”

  1. When Russian soldiers invaded Lubyanka, a village near the ravaged Kyiv suburb of Bucha, the Russians forced all the men to assemble in a central square. Then the invaders demanded that the Nazis step forward.

    “The men laughed,” I was told by Iryna Rayko, a Ukrainian-American whose sister in Lubyanka recently informed her by phone of the details. “They said, ‘There are no Nazis here, we are just Ukrainians who love our country.’ ”

    Luckily none of these men were murdered in the square in February. But the Russian military’s fixation on rooting out “Nazis” reflects the Big Lie Vladimir Putin tells his people to justify the Ukraine war. He insists that Ukraine is led by Nazis — backed by the United States and NATO — and that the country is riddled with Nazi sympathizers.

    Putin’s Big Lie provides the Russian military with justification for more war crimes against civilians. It justifies the Russian president’s goal of bringing Ukraine back under control of Greater Russia. It also allows him to blame Russian military crimes on Ukrainian “Nazis” who kill their own people.

    So Putin will pay no heed to Western charges of war crimes or genocide, and Russians won’t press him to do so. There is no hope of a negotiated end to the war unless he and the Russian public can be forced to face the truth.

    What makes Putin’s Nazi trope so bizarre is that Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is Jewish (as is his prime minister) and lost members of his family in the Holocaust. The far right in Ukraine has only one parliamentary seat, and commands only a tiny fraction of the support that the far right garners in Germany or France — or in Russia.

    Yet the Kremlin constantly blames the Russian military’s war crimes — which the world is watching live — on one battalion in the Ukrainian army composed of nationalist ideologues.

    So far, a majority of Russians are buying Putin’s lies. It’s typical to hear stories like this one, from Yevhen, who serves in the Ukrainian military. He told me via WhatsApp: “My father’s brother who lives in Russia called him and said, ‘We are saving you from Nazi barbarians.’ My father replied, ‘You are crazy. Come here and I will show you who are Nazis.’ ” But the hard facts didn’t change the Russian relative’s mind.

    It may seem unimaginable to Americans that this Nazi trope can brainwash much of the Russian public in the age of the internet. Yet most Russians still get their news from state-controlled TV and radio, on which Putin and state-controlled media pundits constantly push the Ukraine-Nazi message.

    Of course, Americans shouldn’t be too surprised that Putin has been able to hoodwink tens of millions of Russians who can’t access real news. We live in a country with open access to information, yet about one-third of the population has been brainwashed by Donald Trump’s Big Lie that he won the election. Putin will stand trail for these crimes and for long he got away with that and he is a mass murder and a terrorist Russia.

  2. The Russian's have their own HIMAR's system, the Rocket's are fueled by Vodka they don't have GPS targeting they have a homing pigeon that sit's on the front of the rocket's (Trouble is the pigeon's keep flying the rocket's back to Russia) and the rocket's are mounted on a cart pulled by a donkey.

  3. Not one HIMARS system has been destroyed. Russian, your humiliation is worth every dime. Wait until you see what comes next. Winter is coming! Slava Ukraini

  4. They are talking about the HIMARS they destroyed in training.. in ARMA and Escape from Tarkov. They would have destroyed more, but even with the graphics set to GameBoy, the training module locks up and they have to restart. You know what it's like at seconds per frame on a Pentium? Slava Ukraini

  5. Never, ever, give up your nuclear weapons. Ukraine must be part of NATO and also become the most nuclear armed nation in EU. Then no one will ever mess with UA again. Slava Ukraini!

  6. Wow! I am so glad HIMARS is so hard to defend against, and I’m so glad the Ukrainians have become so skilled with using them so quickly! But I am not surprised. The Ukrainian people are determined… they are really remarkable.

    Although the Russians are saying they have destroyed 300 out of 16 HIMARS systems, we still see HIMARS in action. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇸

  7. In a nation overrun by cockroaches. One man, seemingly weak, will go against all odds to rally his people to expel the foul creatures. Staring Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Volodymyr Zelenskyy, this movie is filled with guts, glory, and honor. With the assistance of HIMARS and Bayraktars, he will stare down the enemy and fight to the end. Will he repel the invaders? Find out in a theatre near you!!! (The opening scene of trailer is showing Zelenskyy saying that he needs ammo, not a ride.) (The ending scene shows him walking away from a Russian depot exploding in the background.) Seriously, UATV really needs to make a movie trailer featuring Zelenskyy!!! He's tougher than Sylvester Stallone could ever be! Slava Ukraini.

  8. Russia has destroyed 100s of Himars Rockets. Unfortunately it is upon impact of the Himars on the Russia target, but let us give Russia credit where it is due.


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