We Shot A Bigfoot – WE DIDN'T MEAN TO!

It was supposed to be a warning shot – we didn’t want to actually hit the creature – It moved at the last second!

Bigfoot Anon’s Yeti Bar Promo: https://youtu.be/F3KwT40TXPc
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**********WARNING********** Buckeye Bigfoot is NOT responsible for any injuries that may occur from a Sasquatch deciding to take the shiny mug away from you.


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50 thoughts on “We Shot A Bigfoot – WE DIDN'T MEAN TO!”

  1. Loved this story. Thanks for sharing. Understand I and my people don’t have these creatures on my Island in the West Indies nor have heard of them until I was in my teens, on Tv. I’ve been camping in the Rocky’s and Oregon in California and been past mount shasta many time and still nothing. Im now in the Philippines and I found the Dixie cryptid on here after I found you. I love these stories and to me adventures. They say there’s something like them here, we’ll im not looking but by some chance I hope to maybe see one or several if they live here.

  2. Clifford, that was an incredible story! Thanks for taking us all on that journey! I was blown away when you spoke of the female responding to your grandfather's acclamation & making the same motions in return. I did wonder what she said.
    That is the only time I've heard someone else speak of seeing one use gestures. While it is not anything as PHENOMENAL as what you experienced. I witnessed one do things once that had me puzzling over & over in my head. Then I realized it was probably responding to gestures from the sound machine to my L. Whoa. Look. Back Up. Go Around. A far cry from my original thought of the display, which was like an athlete celebrating a score. LOL!
    At the time, I was standing at the edge of a field in shock. A mimic of a human whistle to my R had distracted me & 2 deer I was taking pics of. Those deer disappeared into flailing brush. The sounds made it painfully obvious they were being killed. I never saw the predators. I was dumbfounded. Then the loudest, craziest mix of jungle sounds from my immmediate L. Scream, howl, shreik that dropped into monkey ooh-ooh, ah-ah. It struck me instantly – every hair stood like wire, shaking all over, ❤ pounding erratically, chest tightness made breathing difficult. Teeth chattering so loudly I was looking for the source of this new sound when I realized it was my teeth clacking together. That was when I saw the only one of the group of this organized hunt do his antics.
    I saw my cell still in hand & cursing myself for not using video earlier to capture the sounds. The waves faded at those thoughts. I struggled to get video rolling. Too late. A single non-descript call & huff. That 28 sec felt like eternity.
    I couldn't imagine having your grandfather in such a perilous situation & trying to operate a gun under those circumstances! Sorry, for the length, but wanted you to know why your account meant so much to me. Thank you for sharing your experiences & your grandfather with us.

  3. Sorry for taking so long to comment. I've been busy with going to the doctor this week. Once for my legs and then another for my back. This is a good encounter. I'm told that I have native american in my heritage. I'm not sure how true that is but I would like to know more. This encounter made me think of my Dad and uncle Roy. I miss doing yard work with them and listening to the stories they had to tell. I miss them very much. They didn't believe that sasquatch is real but my Mom did and my older brother does believe that sasquatch is real. He told me about how he knew that he was being watched when he was hunting up in the woods behind my house before he joined the Marines. He was telling me about his hunting just two weeks ago. I know that I've felt the same feeling of being watched in the same areas. Thank you for the encounters. I'm looking forward to listening to buckeye bigfoot tonight.

  4. Who Sasquatch are! Out of context with this video. Sasquatch are humans who were enslaved by Zeta's. This permanent enslavement began about 12,600 years ago. They were known in the past as the Nephilim. They are very beautiful people with stronger family and community values than people. Their enslavement can be associated to what Jewish ghettoes were like in WWII. The only difference between them and you is appearance. About 9 million Sasquatch exist globally. We have been with 120,000 of them for the last six years. If Zeta's are in the area with them Sasquatch will at times if possible do their best to protect people if possible from a Zeta encounter. No one has a defense against Zeta's. This is why Sasquatch do not harm people, they know what can possibly happen to people. At worst abduction and a horrific end of life. If caught warning people by a Zeta it can mean death for them and occasionally does happen. The only way a Sasquatch can help a person from this possible fate is to scare them into leaving. Zeta's exist in an overlapping frequency and can choose to be seen or invisible to human senses with the exception of smell. Associated with Zeta's are Zeta/Human hybrids; These are the ones associated with the fowl oders and they can be deadly. Next is Dogman; Canine intelligence and usually don't pose much of a threat unless purposed to do so. There are other genetic creations. All are being removed. They occupy underground bases and tunnel systems and Sasquatch are their enslaved labor force. These bases are global. Sasquatch have some Zeta genetics in their DNA and can also cloak. When cloaked can move through Earth's elements without impedance as the Zeta's can do. Zeta's have been here roughly 13,000 years in numbers of roughly 2.6 million. Zeta crafts are biological and are usually always cloaked and capable of the same attributes. They have often been seen as white light orbs or ovals. Zeta's have been enslaving humanity since their arrival here and are (were) the puppet masters of what you call the NWO. Zeta's can invisibly and spiritually connect to a human and control thoughts and behavior of anyone. For those familiar with Q and the Great Awakening should have an understanding of what is going on with the world today. Behind everything that is happening today was first the Removal of the Zeta civilization. The Hidden War against the Invisible Enemy is their removal. The phrase "These People Are Sick" translates in Jewish Gematria as Zeta and the Sumerian Gods. The Sumerian language is Zeta. The war to remove them began on April 14th of 2016. As of today we have all 5152 of their crafts deactivated and stored in a secluded mountain valley lake in Alaska. As for the Zeta's this war is very near completion. Bases are usually located in National Parks, Forests, Wildlife Refuges and secluded mountainous regions. All the earthquake swarming over the last six years have been their destruction. Mt. Hayes in Alaska was their primary base and the seat of their leadership. On July 12th of 2020 their ruler, Satan was executed. For those who are devoutly religious I must inform you, Satan has another name, it is God. Zeta's primary means of governance has always been through the use of duality and all major and tribal religions are of their construct. The question "Is humanity alone" the answer is No. The Great Awakening is humanities rescue. The plan to do so is much deeper than humanity can imagine. Everyone has questioned who is Q! It is humanity's parent civilization known as the Pleiadian's who were forced away when the Zeta's arrived here. They had no defense, this is a spiritual war. It took them time to get help from four other much older civilizations. Humanity, the Sasquatch people and Small Greys, who are also humans are being freed. The Pleiadian's will rejoin with humanity when this war is complete as they were before the Zeta's arrived. History has been rewritten for the last 13,000 years to keep the Zeta presence here secret. Humanity has been used as cattle for them for multiple reasons. Zeta's have always controlled people directly to carry out their agenda for humanity. Those people have always been Religion, Royalty, Bloodline Families, Government, Corporations, Journalism, Entertainment and other persons of power and influence. Humans have always been used for the experience of sexual pleasure, food (children preferred), genetics, adrenochrome harvesting along with many other reasons. For the time being, religion must remain in place for this Great Awakening to be successful as planned. What is actually true is more beautiful than can be imagined. Anyone who has doubts about this information, be prepared to be shocked, future proves past. This is just a sample of the information we have. Everything is going according to schedule and will be revealed.

  5. This is a great story which brings me to my story not a encounter but a walk in the foot hills of Tuolumne County, California with my step-grandfather (a Cherokee by his mother and Choctaw by his father). I can't remember why we were out on that walk that day, but Grandpa and I were inseparable, he was my only Grandpa all my other's had passed before my birth. But I can remember him telling me that we were looking for something as we were walking and I had seen a small tree bent over, it looked like maybe a vine or something had wrapped itself around the small tree and I pointed at it and said to grandpa like that one? And he bent down to me and asked what is it, what do you see? We hadn't walked up to it quite yet it was maybe 25 feet away. When grandpa saw that he said yes, and were going to go now. He never told me anything more about this.

    Another occasion with Grandpa and others from his tribe was a picnic and I believe it was my sister and I, for some reason I can't remember completely the person setting next to me but I believe it's my sister, I'm 55 yrs old now and I'm trying to remember things I've forgotten, my grandfather passed when I was in 6th grade. I can remember this because my Dad picked me up from school to clean the kitchen before we took the hour and half drive to our grandparents house, I was in pe class when dad arrived at school playing volleyball my favorite sport, it's funny how we remember things, yet I can't recall for sure who was with me at the picnic.
    On with the story. We walked down to the creek and were setting with our feet in the water talking and enjoying the sun on our faces.. When I felt something hit me on the back. I didn't say anything as I looked over at my sister as she was sitting back on her arms neck back and her eyes closed.. But this continued and the longer it happened the harder the, what I thought were rocks, were hitting me. So I asked missy, my sister, how are you doing it? Doing what she replies. Hitting me the back with rocks? She said I'm not hitting you the back with rocks, I'm sitting next to you and she laughs. I said okay then look at me and don't turn your head and look behind us with your eyes and see if you can see anyone.. I was scared to be honest, back when I was a kid we knew about serial killers it was on the news and our family told us kids what to do and not to do especially our Grandpa.. We lived in the valley next hwy 99 were all those people travel in Calif. So my mind ran wild.. I looked as well and saw NOTHING but I continued to get hit in the back with rocks and it was hurting? The only explanation was it was my sister, so I tossed a rock in her lap.. She said really Beth, I'm not doing it.. I got up walked out into the water just above my ankles and began to splash her. Of course she got mad and we went back to the picnic area where I told the lady who was setting up the cook stove and she had me lift the back of my shirt.. When my Grandpa came she had me pull up the back of my shirt and Grandpa said we were going since we couldn't get along.. When we got home and grandma came home I told grandma what happened and she looked at my back she got really mad, I guess I had bruises on my back.. Grandma told Grandpa he couldn't take me out chasing that anymore. I'm just now putting it all together.. And when I see my sister face to face I plan on seeing if she can remember this happening to us as well. She might just laugh at me who really knows, she's 4 yrs older but we seem to have different memories. I've since moved to Missouri and I hear that Bigfoot is active in this area too.. Who knows maybe I'll have to honor to have another experience, just maybe a visual experience. I don't believe they're all bad.
    Edit; I've heard the rock throwing is the younger bigfoot. So maybe that day it was just a playful young Bigfoot trying to get my attention..

  6. Seems like these creatures really don't want violence….they really just want you to go away….but WILL defend themselves when necessary. I also saw on another channel where a guy was so scared he immediately started praying and after the creatures saw him praying they left him alone. There's something spiritual about these Creatures that were just not understanding. Saw a video where our military allegedly shot down a family of them in Afghanistan….I personally thought that was Horrible!

  7. A Wonderful story, especially with the dialogue between Human and Sabe'… and the Wisdom of the elders! I'm glad it all turned out as it did❣️ It's really sad that there's so little Respect left in the world today for others. A little respect sure went a long way at the end of This story! You keep your word, I'll keep mine. And they did❣️

  8. my momma told me about the woolybooger . i assumed she had misidentified a tall indian in buffalo robe , her description.. wish i could talk to her about it.

  9. Wonderful story. My granddaddy was the biggest man in my life he always had a story to tell me. Learning his life as a young man as he talked about it. I could almost see it from a comet to his seeing his first air plane. The excitement of granddaddy's first air plane ride with me. Every step me made i would have to make 4 till i was old enough to walk by his side. Roy Lee McKee born 1897.

  10. I've seen sasquatch and had an encounter with a troop of bigfoot. none of them have red eyes so I think people who say they do, are lying about seeing them… I've seen them in NW US and here in Oklahoma

  11. It is very sad that some people think that we that everything in our world that is not like us is some monster. Yes some are but some are not and just want to be left alone

  12. I have the perfect snack age I have worked all day long making homemade salsa for canning. I have worked up 120 pounds of tomatoes and now I have two five gallon pots simmering with lip snacking salsa that will make your tongue want to slap your brains out lol. I'm not bragging but facts are facts lol.


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