We Orcin Now! – Azeroth Reborn (Wc3 Remade in StarCraft 2) – Orc Campaign pt 1

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37 thoughts on “We Orcin Now! – Azeroth Reborn (Wc3 Remade in StarCraft 2) – Orc Campaign pt 1”

  1. – Can we confirm our location? Is this Grant's playthrough of Azeroth Reborn?

    – We clicked the YouTube link as you instructed. This should be it.


    * When Blizzard ported the WC3 data to SC2, they made new HD versions of the standard heroes. That means that campaign heroes who never had a unique model (like Cairne, Muradin, Kel'Thuzad, etc.) get an HD facelift here.

    * Map lighting has been tweaked to more closely match WC3's visual style. I'm very happy with how that turned out.

    * Some instances of Healing Wards and Scrolls of Healing have been replaced with Runes of Healing, which are faster to use. Sadly, Grant missed the first one that drops when the first group of razormane (pig men) are killed.

    * AI-controlled allied heroes (Cairne and Grom in this campaign) keep the items that you give to them, up to the point where you get to control them, which is neat.

    * Big whoopsie on the Tauren Youngblood having 1300/500 HP. I'm surprised we missed that during playtesting.

    * The caravan AI is one of the few things that I kept almost exactly as the original since it's a fairly complex system and remaking it from scratch would not be worth the effort.

    * The second oasis being a Defiled Fountain of Life was something I came up with during testing as a way to increase the difficulty that doesn't rely on number-buffing the enemy.

    * The second mission had its difficulty adjusted several times during testing. As it’s still a bit overtuned, I’m removing a few of the pre-placed enemy units so that exploring is less punishing overall.

  2. Very long shot but I hope it comes true. Hear me out, the community remakes wc3 through sc2. Makes sc2 popular again only because people remade the wc3 engine in the sc2 engine so we can have our wc3 back with an engine overhaul without the useless refunded edition.

  3. I think they felt like they could get away with two no-base missions right at the start cause this is the third campaign in the game, so you're already sorta expected to know how the basics of the game and base building and stuff work. Plus the tutorial also uses the orcs.

  4. Holy shit!!! This is what I have been dreaming of… Esepcially playing maps like Batter of Azeroth or Lordaeron. It will always run of group hot keies or just mess up with then. I would love to group units the way in StarCraft. Much more user friendly.

  5. Cairne: I have too many polygons for this shit.
    Remember there's the prologue/tutorial before this. Has a dungeon mission and ends with a survive x min mission. The open layout in context can be a 'breath of fresh air'.
    Vengeance for Sen'Jin

  6. Orks trying find land to call their own, while exterminating natives – poor, horable, noble ppl!!!
    Jews buying worthless land from arabs loaded with swamps, malaria and arid soild where no one lives and when they turn it into good place, arabs want it back for free by killing jews – bloody zionosts! Colonizators! Decieving devils! How dare you! Invaders! Free P!😂😂😂


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