We need to talk about Quickybaby…

A documentary style video discussing and exposing Quickybaby’s insecure and damaging behaviour.

DO NOT harass any of the people mentioned in this video.

Quickybaby on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCQWHq9e1hN268yjgYq-0hNw
Quickybaby on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/quickybaby

Me on Twitch! – https://www.twitch.tv/06wallst
Funny memes: https://youtu.be/GTC88s7EEGU
QB frog meme: https://youtu.be/3lXcFhLAEyE

Here are the relevant clips I referenced in this video: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TmZJctvwFyySSvFOQplFb8bg9dk0OJIY?usp=sharing

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00:00 Introduction
02:30 My Experience
21:08 My Bias
34:36 Wider Context
50:53 Message to QB
59:25 A Problem
01:05:00 Steps for QB
01:08:08 Outro



40 thoughts on “We need to talk about Quickybaby…”

  1. I like watching him get wrecked by Skill. I mean he's all overthinking and Skill is just casually playing talking about whatever as normal. Followed by the video of Kajoo wrecking him and QB's whining about it after. I take QB about as seriously as I took Levelcrap and his BFF Matimio back when I played Battlefield….I also liked Sliphanton's jab at QB in his last Unicum Guide video.

  2. Gave up when you put epic brain face over his head at 7:49. If you attack him for everything, any valid point you might have gets lost in the mix. Plus, making over an hours video to attack someone, makes me think you have a problem, not the other way around. I didnt even get to see what your actual issue was with him before I gave up.

  3. Very good video, in every way, in analysis and conclusion but I am sad to say that you are IMHO on the wrong path with it. In my opinion he is not insecure, he is a selfish bad example of a businessman with no moral with only one point of interest: his wallet! He wants to be a monopolist and is jealous about every cent any other content creator receives and so he tries to deny that they are existing. I am even going so far to say that the moment hes says "his community" could be translated to "his herd of milking cows" which have to gave ALL there milk/money only to him.
    So I think he will see this video only as an attack to his income because he is not able to see that you try to honestly help, he is more like Apple when somebody write Samsung on there site. A perfect example about his self awareness in the way I describe it was when WG asked him to make a commander out of him ingame and he wanted money because the "use of his brand". Thats the concomitant issue – he is a kind of megalomaniac, not aware that he is no brand but only an appendix of the brand WoT who is a kind of base for his business and requesting money from mother for a little favor which helps both sides is my point were I got partly this opinion.
    So far my 2 cent regarding this theme, I think the best way to handle this item: ignore it, let him in his bubble, he is like a little Trump, immune to reality, facts and his own position!

  4. So basically you are complaining about someone banning people that don't follow the chat rules how stupid they might be. Rules which you can actually find. He has his way of working and it seems to be working for him. For now. As long as he's the biggest content creator for World of Tanks none of this will change. But make no mistake. He only cares for one thing and that is the money. He tries to make it look like it isn't but his wording of pretty much everything proves otherwise.

  5. what he did to skill4u was pretty crappy, and about that charity stream. here is something I've thought about , tho I have no evidence this is the case. but its something I've thought about. I don't know how it works in the UK. but here in the USA money you donate can be claimed on your taxes. most people I know are cautious of charities as it is. because most walk right up to and stomp on the line of being scams .

  6. This is a superbly put together piece of videography and your arguments and reasons are sound. Sadly, a leopard cannot change its spots and I think all the effort you have gone to will be wasted. Once someone is down that rabbit whole of selfness and insecurity, to have the following he has being one of the biggest echo chambers on YouTube, it is unlikely he will reappear and make positive changes like the ones you suggested. Fair play for all the effort, but don't be disappointed if it all falls on deaf ears!

  7. Years ago he ran a t shirt design comp. My friend sent an entry and he didn't win but QB added the design to his web shop. Apparently, the game rules allowed him to use the designs without consulting nor compensating the designer…

  8. Oh my gosh, this video reminds me of an Brazilian soap opera! I can understand that QB is not behaving like a angel all the time, but what you have started here feels just like a bitchfight. Instead of getting your frustration feelings i unfortunately only see jealousy 🙁

  9. I'm sorry after watching the first 10 minutes of this, it seems like you're mad that he banned your viewers for just trolling him about dying. Ngl imagine how many times this happens on the daily ofc he's gonna ban them u don't have to be a dickhead about it.

  10. Steve, this is the first video I have watched on your channel after hearing the drama about QB.

    Honestly, when I first started watching the video, I presumed that it would turn out like many other "drama-like" videos in communities: a one sided, emotional rant on someone who felt like they got rubbed the wrong way, regardless of the reality of the situation.

    However, I can honestly say that you quickly changed my mind with your well spoken, emotionally, and intellectually sound presentation. I watched and consumed the whole thing. I believe there is truth in what you presented, and the way in which you slowly built your points is impactful. It is well edited, and while some of the jokes weren't for me, I liked that you added levity to a rather "serious" video.

    That said, some completely unprompted advice I would give after watching it from a mostly unbiased stance (disclaimer: I do watch QB's videos and just started watching some of his Twitch very recently):
    – It comes across a bit condescending. I don't think you meant for it to come across that way, but to make a video publicly exposing someone's vulnerability and then asking them to change is very much a big ask, and makes it seem like you are "better" than QB (again, I don't think you personally feel this way). I honestly don't see any way QB will take advice from a stranger in a positive light, as it is going to feel like way too much of an attack, rather than criticism to better himself.
    – By inherently being a video on YouTube and being a CC yourself, there is always going to be the argument that you are monetizing the drama and attention. Unfortunately, this somewhat IS true, as you ARE benefitting from the attention; I would have never heard of you if not for this video. I don't think that is where your heart is at, but again, something to note. You could have just as easily sent this to QB personally, and hoped that it would reach him in that way. But then again, maybe it being public could impact him to take your words more seriously… but I doubt it.

    All that said, I hope that QB takes something away from your points. As you stated, I don't think QB is a bad guy. Like everyone else, he has flaws. At the end of the day, he can run his channel however he wants to.

    As for you, you seem like a good guy as well. I subbed for more videos to learn about yourself and your character.

  11. Giga Chad 06wallst. I enjoyed this more than "streamershitshow". Played WoT 2012-2018. I disliked where WoT was going so I stoped, accepted and went away. This game/project could and still can become something cool if developers and community worked together. But only in my dreams…

  12. Hi, I am not biased at all, don't watch either your content nor the other guy content. Got the link to this video from a friend that told me about some twitch-related drama. I watched most of it, apologize, but listening 1hr of (i dont know how to name this content) was too much for me, so arrow key (+5 secs) was my friend. But anyway, what stroke me most is the question: What did the other guy do that you took it so personally to decide to spent tens of hours to analyze twitch recording, recording and editing this video and doing this pseudo-psychological analysis (no offence, you simply are not psychologist, hence I put "pseudo" prefix). And even recorded and asked for analysis of his response (where I see he clearly shows he does not care about your analysis)? I don't get it.

  13. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Skimmed through. You might be right, so what? Obviously, every such creation will be met with arguments, opposition and maybe even hate. You obviously put a lot of time into making this and being an intelligent guy, you should know this was a time wasted. Unless you wanted some views, hate-views, subs, hate-subs? If it was marketing or profit which drove you – good job. Otherwise – you lost your time and countless hours of other people's lives.


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