We Must Stop Them

Palestine Action:

Workers for a Free Palestine:

Red Planet (weekly show where I discuss this more):


44 thoughts on “We Must Stop Them”

  1. Thank you for speaking out with such clear conviction and moral certitude. I am largely isolated in my life; i work nights, alone, and have no collective group of activists to be a part of in my community. I do, however, hope to teach someday, and in my teaching will aspire to the moral and ethical clarity of conviction that you do.

  2. It's insane how people keep repeating the rhetoric that being anti-Israel is being anti-semitic, or even being a neonazi, when we have real Holocaust survivors stating their support for Palestine and how what Israel is doing is a genocide. The denial is insane.

  3. Then get out there and stop "them"! So far, the only ones stepping up to save Palestinian lives are humanitarian aid workers — people willing to make the greatest sacrifice. Why not take a gamble on your life to fight this battle, rather than gambling theirs in the hopes that somebody else will take action?

  4. European Governments are all in favor of this, because they know that there won't be any refugees coming into Europe over this. Gaza is built specifically so that people can't flee it, blockaded from the sea and surrounded on 3 sides by Israel, with only the south bordering Egypt which is at the very least mildly hostile to Palestine, too.

  5. I will never stop pushing back against antisemitism
    I will never stop pushing back against Israel genocide against Palestinian
    And I will never stop pushing back against people that think the two are the same.

    You always have influence. I am the one that inform my largely apolitical family about how bad the foreign mainstream media they watch is and always try to propose something else or make them think. We are not from Europe or the USA but a truly inconsequential small country in Oceania, where people see much of what happen outside as a faraway thing. And the foreign new we receive all come from French new channels. That are islamophobic, racists and full of just bad journalism in general.
    My grandparents and mother have been hit the hardest. Despite our country suffering from colonialism and us still having to deal with systemic racism. They are stuck thinking that Muslims are terrorists despite our country barely having any of them and both never having met one in their life. It's difficult to not lose it when you just try to make them reconsider only for them to dismiss you.

    It's not a war that can be won in one battle. But changing your inner and local circle is the war you are most likely to win. Your family, friends, acquaintanced or even coworkers. If you can allow yourself, speak up. I found the best way is to always be calm and polite, start with your strongest and most well researched point. And stop there. I'm serious, don't insist and change subject. And most importantly stay polite and don't be a jerk. This is extremely important as feeling like winning is not successfully changing someone mind. Often it mean you did the opposite.
    There is those psychological effect called "Cognitive dissonance" and "Reactance" that everyone should research and know about. That mean that changing opinion and admitting you are wrong can cause your brain so much pain you will refuse to no matter the evidence. The longer or more you held and invested into the belief, the worse it get.
    The other is you hate feeling like you don't have the agency and freedom to chose. So if you feel someone is threatening your freedom, in our case your ability to choose what to think, you are likely to rebel and do the opposite.

    So the best course of action is to first try to plants a seed of doubt into other mind. Doubt is the best thing you can give someone in this situation. For Palestine, when asked or when it's relevant. My go to is to either link a video explaining why it's called being in a state of Apartheid or do it myself. Explaining history is a great way to inject nuance into the mind of people the media have made completely pro israel.

    Try to bring nuance in any subject period. Islamophobia is sadly a widespread thing where I am because of the mass media coverage of 9/11 and all of my country being pretty Americanized. But that doesn't stop me from talking about Islam. And insisting on it historical complexity and how there is not one Islam and one kind of Muslims. It do help that my country have a lot of Christian influence. So when I talk about it, I make sure to make a parallel with all the different Christians religion around, like Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox. Just to make them see that Muslims and Islam aren't the uniformed mass they think.

    It's long, it's arduous, and sometime it doesn't work at all in many area. But in the end it does something. I managed to rally my mother and even grandmother to convince my grandfather to not vote for Marine le Pen or support her. She is a far right leader and I gave them proof that her party is antisemite as hell.
    My grandparent have stopped complaining about those "terrorists" at familial dinner and generally have being less bold about saying anything concerning foreign politics. Because they knows that if I know something about it, I will speak up, backed by good facts and researches. So I'm sure that not only they won't push the rest further into this beliefs. I'm also giving my younger nephews and nieces another perspective and showing them that adults don't always know what they are talking about and that it's okay for someone younger to speak up against older folks. They also know that I'm an ally if they end up having the same opinions as me despite the majority of the adults leaning more towards my grandparent side.

    Since internet is now common on our TV, I'm trying to slowly steer my family from watching more independent and diverse media whenever I can. I'm also generally looking for pro Palestinian groups to donate to and watching and leaving comments on pro Palestine videos like this for the algorithm. I'm looking at which youtubers I follow spoke about it and stop supporting those that didn't say anything or bought into the propaganda. In general, I'm trying to encourage people to learn about what cognitive bias are, how media work and the effect it can have on us. Using advertisements tactics as an entry point is usually easier.
    Things like that that seem peripheral or unrelated could yet be the difference between someone digging in their heel when presented with good counter evidence or beginning to reconsider. I highly recommend the book "Think again" by Adam Grant.

  6. The New Yorker recently published an interview with the head of the Israeli settler’s organization. This horrible woman ranted and raved how her deity not only gave them dominion over the Gaza Strip but over the Palestinians. They must accept Jewish rule without question or complaint.

    This is a fucking genocide and the Israelis are fucking hypocrites.

  7. *Russia have been all over ukraine for extractivist reasons, too. They didn’t occupy donbass just because. And Crimea was annexed for strategic reasons ie an access to a european sea.

  8. This entire situation has been so surreal to me. Everywhere around me I see Palestinian flags. In my friend's bios, on my college campus, and even just outside of people's houses on my bike ride to school. My local branch of extinction rebellion is having a bit of a schism on precisely how publicly they want to support Palestine. And yet my government shuts down any conversation on the topic that isn't explicitly pro-isreal.

  9. YouTube has been so confused that I keep saying free Gaza and free Palestine. Every chance I get and it finally is like look. We think you'll like this it finally showed up it finally worked complete algorithm

  10. As one person, I may not be any more annoying to my representatives than a pebble in their shoe, but I will be a persistent annoyance about this. I refuse to get bored or fatigued. I’m in this for the long haul.

  11. I do desperately want what's going on in Gaza to end quickly, but not to be forgotten. I want the people there to experience at least one lifetime of serenity. I want them to have at least one lifetime to live without perpetual fear…

  12. being anti-zionist in israel is social suicide. at the slightest suggestion that the idf shouldnt be continuing its ethnic cleansing campaign you will be bombarded with the most racist shit youve ever heard, most of which is literally just fucking lebensraum shit and other arguments you will be able to find easily in a copy of mein kampf. i will never understand this majority in the country i live in. grinning and bearing it has never been harder

  13. There is more hope now than there has been in decades. I started fighting for a free Palestine in 2017 and I felt hopelessly alone in my community, but in 2023 everyone I didn't expect to stand with me and fight is standing with me. It's enough to make the most jaded person weep with joy. The Palestinian people have suffered for so long and I can see an end to the suffering now.

  14. Their ‘humanitarian pause’ they suggested doing would be better known as ‘reloading and refueling.
    This is hypocrisy of biblical proportions- the victims of monsters have become their own.

    A Jewish scholar said Zionism and the occupied territories could be the end of the nation.
    It ain’t a religious problem, it’s a far right success story amongst many others.

    It’s a self fulfilling prophecy of a dystopian nightmare everyone tried to warn us about.

  15. We can't keep letting things in the world go this way. We can act. We can change the world for the better. Everyone, keep using your voices to call for peace! Keep using your money to boycott the corps that help fund the pain in the world! Keep your time and actions to protest these horrors! Peace, love, and freedom for all humanity! And all means ALL

  16. 🍉❤️🪬
    Our sisters, brothers, enby siblings, and all our family, especially our family born of Ismail, are in our Kaddish prayers today.

    I cannot know the pain you are in, but we will always fight to help you carry it and resist these acts of gornischt un hondl.

  17. The Israeli State is merely continuing their policies of previous decades, only in a heightened form. Apartheid, racialist discrimination and ethnic cleansing were the business of the day back then, it's just that now they have decided to take over Gaza and destroy everything in their past.

    They are motivated by a narrative of racial supremacy. They believe it is their right to own all of Palestine and the people who live there are merely obstacles that need to meekly submit or even be removed by any means necessary.

  18. Amazing video Sophie <3. A someone of Palestinian decent hearing the leftist youtubers I like talk about this really warms my heart.
    Also just a small correction: @ 4:40 That quote isn't from the Quran it's a hadith.


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