We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident | Pastor Ron Kelly


12 thoughts on “We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident | Pastor Ron Kelly”

  1. MI is way behind CA in legislating about pronouns. CA is a "sanctuary state" for transgender youth, considering passing a state kidnapping bills, AB665 & AB 957, claiming legal custody if parents dont affirm their child's transgender claims .

  2. It's the 4th of July right now in N.Y.C. as I hear THIS most timely message, suddenly rain is pouring so hard and thundering so loud that it drowned out the sermon. The same last night.
    There's such a sense of urgency on the air! How do I know? Because every time I go out using my walker, I carry literature and God keeps putting people in my way and the cashier tells me as she 's scanning my groceries," were you preaching again"? Because the LORD is showing me more innovative ways to share & double the seed planting .
    Jesus Christ is calling me first to come Him. The Holy Spirit is showing what to pray for. I'm losing my eyesight and am disabled so I am trying to commit as much of the Holy Bible to memory. I am having encounters with people who want the TRUTH.
    This much became super clear to me, and where I became aware of how close Jesus ' presence was to me and oh, how I rejoice!
    Psalm 77:13-
    "They way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?"
    I, am falling in love with Jesus Christ, all over again! Everywhere I go , He's there!
    I believe that this storm on the fourth of July 2023, is marking a grave change in prophecy.As the pen of Inspiration tells us -"Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones."
    A disfellowshipped, under strange circumstances SDA, who has not lost a burden for souls, looking forward to Christ's Imminent Return.

  3. Don’t the people of the Seventh Day Adventist Church know that they are in a CULT OF CHRISTIANITY? A cult is a group which has DEVIATED from the the Holy Words of the ORIGINAL INFINITELY TRUTHFUL infinitely Holy Bible. It’s the TEACHING that deviates.

  4. Why are there hundreds of DENOMINATIONS in the world? Because the ONE HOLY BIBLE can be taught differently, according to the LEADERS who start their own denomination. Only when the RAPTURE happens, the PEOPLE who got left behind know that they followed FALSE TEACHERS. Please google for false teachers.

  5. There are several conflicts in your sermon. The Declaration of Independence was written at at time when savages were at the frontier, women couldn't vote or hold property and slaves were counted as 3/5ths of a human. The Declaration was a letter to King George of England declaring our Independence from his rule. It is not law. The Constitution is the law of the United States, and there is no reference to the Christian "God" in it. The wording is ambiguous and can apply to many religions, The first amendment to the Constitution expressly says "no law respecting the establishment of religion". The wording "endowed by our "Creator" is in reference not to a christian "God" but to the "One who made us all". A concept embraced by almost all, established religions. Including the religious beliefs of the over 500 nations of the Native Americans that survive in the U.S. As Seventh Day Adventists you are entitled to your beliefs, but you cannot impose them on others.


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