We have Norsca Rework at Home

Creative Assembly delivered some news in a Developer Interview about some of the upcoming changes and possible DLCs. On the topic of legacy factions they hinted at VC, Lizardmen and Norsca. I might be in the minority here but I think the modders have finally achieved something that the developers will not be able to match with Team SCM’s “Tribes of the North.” Lets hope Creative Assembly has something special cooking in that oven of theirs if they hope to top this masterpiece

SCM: Tribes of the North (5.1)

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17 thoughts on “We have Norsca Rework at Home”

  1. If they have mentioned it on a video they will go ahead with whatever they think they need to do, a shame a terrible terrible shame. Anyway it might be good it might even be great….buuuut I’m not holding my breath 😂

  2. I mean, where is the issue? The mod can still exist with new vanilla characters being added. Even if they take some starting positions (some of them aren't that great in the mod anyway), then you can always modify them, just like modders did with Malakai and Kraka Drak.

  3. The only problem with this mod is that it absolutely destroys Kislev. The Baersonlings become so powerful that on all my playthroughs, Katarina's faction now gets destroyed before Daniel or Nakai.

  4. Add Syal the faithless as the LL in actual Norsca, give him the mammoth mount and focus. Take that all away from wulfrik, move him somewhere else as a pseudo horde, and make him a proper wanderer and duelist (on foot).

  5. I was like "how do you not think Norsca needs an update" and then you said the Tribes of the north mods and I was like f he got me cus I use that ever game anytime I play Norsca XD (Norsca main) not even 40 sec in

  6. Unfortunately there's basically no chance of Ind, Khuresh, Araby, Nippon, etc ever being added officially. The decision isn't up to CA, it's up to GW, and GW has shown no interest in making these factions available for The Old World.

    Even if GW decides to add them into The Old World later, CA will have dropped support for TWW3 by then.

  7. Its not up to GW because of the lore, its up to them because they own the warhammer IP, hence CA can only add whatever they greenlight first. Besides that point, I mostly agree!


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