We have an Overwatch 2 release date! And the Junker Queen is the next hero!

What a surprising Sunday! Blizzard did not only announce the release date for Overwatch 2, but they also gave us a first look at the next hero: The Junker Queen. On top of that, they even teased the next hero and so much more! Watch now and find out!

The release date announcement video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB8BTbExm8g

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23 thoughts on “We have an Overwatch 2 release date! And the Junker Queen is the next hero!”

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAA I AM SO HYPED!!!! THE QUEEN IS FINALLY HERE! WOOOOO! AND OW2 IS ONLY 4 MONTHS AWAY!!! SORRY FOR SCREAMING HAHAHA I would like to see charms in Overwatch! and the founder pack is nice as well! Curious for that secret surprise! GREAT VIDEO! THATS FOR THE UPDATE(S)! My favourite part definitly is JunkerQueen xD (and ofc the release date haha)

  2. Personally I was just blown away with these trailers because I thought this was going to be more or less what we would see on June 16th, so the hype is now REAL❤️❤️❤️

  3. Hi, Omnic Post.

    To put it simply, I was screaming inside the very second I saw the video on my notifications. Words cannot describe how hyped I am for OW2 and the reveal stream this Thursday. I really like all of the new skins for the current heroes. And on a side note, I noticed from how that animated teaser for Junker Queen was made that it seems to be animated in more of the style from cinematics for other Blizzard games rather than the ones in previous shorts. Makes me wonder if they decided to make the world of Overwatch in future animated shorts look and feel a little more realistic? AHHHHH! I'm so excited! 😀

  4. My favorite part is they hid S76 face I wanna see the whole glimpse besides the small detail. But anyways, I love the Moira new design! Her short hair is cute. I can’t wait to play Junkerqueen!

  5. 1:59 it seems that the ability spawns the fox to run straight forward until it collides with an object (cuz it despawns after touching the stairs), creating a speed boosting path for the team.

    they also did a good job at representing this visually in my opinion, as you can see winds flowing through the gates and path.

    ALSO: i think the junker queen's axe has a retractable handle. thus the reason why we always see it go from big to small and vice versa

  6. Can someone confirm this for me?

    I think they have actually teased 3 new heroes in the revealtrailer.


    2. the fox (hero itself missing)

    3. There is a new ability i think.

    The ability is shown (in the original video by playoverwatchYT) at 1:28 (Orisa thumbdown scene on midtown). A rain of rockets but in blue, not like Pharahs ult in yellow/orange.

    Can someone pls "confirm"(your opinion) that this ability is/isnt Pharahs ult.

  7. I've seen the video a few times now watching it over and over. Even seen other videos talking about it. HOWEVER Deemzies is probably the only one who has gone over all the details this way. The screen shots and the narrative for each feature that others only quickly talk about. Thank you for being so detail oriented in your videos. It is one of the reasons you are my go to for Overwatch info. The wife and I are so hyped. Also, what if we could be the Junker King, imagine playing in that mech!


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