We Have A Dilemma! Frankie To The Rescue

Day 3 of babysitting, at Davey’s house, Frankie locked all the doors, and he had to save us, by crawling through the, doggy door, and getting the stick out of the door, way to go Frankie, you caused the problem, and then you solved the problem, we went over to see their new house, lt has doors and windows, looks so nice, we sat on the porch, let the kids play outside, cooked up some bacon, too much fun

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19 thoughts on “We Have A Dilemma! Frankie To The Rescue”

  1. Bless your heart! I think the kids were pushing the rules a bit but it’s to be expected when mom/dad are gone.
    Glad Frankie was small enough to get thru the doggy door.

  2. Davey, and April don’t have a key to the house, that doesn’t make any sense, they should have told you before when they leave the house they go through the garage. Thank god for Noodle being small to go through the doggy door. Yes, thank god two more days for you to babysit. I’m sure you were in panic mode. Love the pictures on the wall, too. Very good quote at the end. Yes! Momma O, you are carrying a heavy heart, because you are missing Poppa O so much, and yes, you will be ok, as long as you have your family, friends, and your YouTube family (including me, your YouTube sister) to help you through this journey of losing Poppa O. Hope it goes smooth for the last couple days. Take care!

  3. Sure are some pretty morning clouds!! Is that pollen falling from the Sunflowers? My fav flower! Yayyy Frankie saved the day!! He sure is a big helper in this video!! Bless his heart!! Thanks for sharing!! 👍❣❣❤❣❣👍

  4. There is a reason the LORD gives us children when we’re young, so we have the stamina to keep up with them. With the older kids in school, Frankie needs you to fill up the empty hours. I am impressed with his thinking & reasoning abilities. He’s a sharp cookie. Zade & his buddies must have been bored at school & decorated his arm. It looks like Sharpie that needs to wear off. I admire the family photo collections that April & Davey have accumulated. May the LORD give you strength for the coming days with the kiddos.

  5. I really enjoyed the your quote. I can relate to locking yourself out. I use to babysit these two kids who are now in college. When there parents got divorced, there was no extra key so when l locked ourselves out, the little one would go through the window. Thank goodness it was always unlocked. If there was a key l would get distracted and not bring it to the bus stop with me and lock the door behind me because l was and still do get very distracted. My mom really liked your recipe and l think she is going to try it out.😀

  6. The house will be gorgeous! Aren't kids fun? I have had to put kids through windows before. They don't mean to cause trouble…lol. Praying for you my friend. Sending lots of love and big hugs to you. God bless you!

  7. Update: Rylan Olivia McKnight's arrival in Provo to enroll at BYU has been delayed. Instead of attending homecoming at BYU she is doing so at the high school where she recently graduated (and looking quite beautiful, no doubt). I'm sure she and Zade will have plenty of time to make their acquaintances and go on a date, if they so desire.

  8. O goodness the sunrise looked like cotton candy – Beautiful views – in Utah – Boy who would have though little Frankie would put the stick in the slot behind the door – gosh so glad he understood what ya needed him to do – Isn’t it nice when you babysit grandchildren and it’s time for bed – it gives us grandma’s time to relax and time to reset our batteries – mine sure can wipe me out at times – is it that way for you – Someone taking items from new home – that’s just disgraceful – If I may say so – Terrible – A Heavy Heart – here on earth – but – no heavy hearts in heaven – I guess that’s just part of our human experiences here on earth – But – Boy that doesn’t make it easy – At least you know you two’s love is in two worlds – here and in the Heaven – But the missing part – the part that never stops – I guess that’s the crack in a heart – only in time being reunited will heal that wound – We all will never understand your grieve – all we can do is Love you through it – I just hope you can feel our Love for you – here – Isn’t it amazing – this thing called you tube – I just hope in some small way here your – you tube family can put a bandage on your cracked heart – I Truly pray we have helped in so small way – Well we all – Love You – So with this I say – may Heavenly Fathers – angles with merciful wings cover you and us all with love – and a healing for broken heavy hearts – I’am truly sorry. – for your loss – time doesn’t heal a broken heart – it onLy mends it – But we all can help each other with love – Love You – You Tube Sister

  9. I'm lucky. The apartments in this complex have patios with sliding doors. That makes it handy for me to let Tonka out. If I'm feeling lazy I stand in the doorway and put a long leash on Tonka.

  10. Bless your heart Roseann you have the patience’s of a saint ! You never raise your voice. Ambree is a stunning young lady. Daisy and Zade have matured way to fast! EB and Frankie are like a wind up toy! Those children love you bunches🤗


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