WE FOUND SO MANY DIAMONDS! (Expanding Border Minecraft #3)

Zerkaa Gets Diamonds & Explores A New Island In Part 3 Of Expanding Border Minecraft – Watch more here: https://youtu.be/XeJW9JWJ–Q
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Video uploaded by:
Zerkaa | ZerkaaHD | ZerkaaPlays


40 thoughts on “WE FOUND SO MANY DIAMONDS! (Expanding Border Minecraft #3)”

  1. While underwater, you can crouch on the Magma Blocks to regain oxygen to save you swimming up and down. I tend to use these rather than doors most of the time as it doesn't require crafting

    Also, a quick way for a lot of wood is to plant 4 Spruce or Jungle saplings in a 2×2 and bonemeal one of them until it grows, they will all grow and most of the time yield about 100 logs

  2. you can crouch on magma and it wont do damage and doors don't get waterlogged so you can use them to breathe and dig faster underwater, also boats go really fast on ice its a bit of fun

  3. some tips for you:

    under water:

    –you can kill fish under water with a sword you don't have to fish that much
    –you can breed turtles after you get 5 babies when they grow up they drop scutes that is used to make a helmet to breath longer under water
    — to make a water breathing potion you need puffer fish(you have 2) but you also need to go to nether to get blaze rods for powder and brewing stand also nether ward to brew it which is found in nether fortress
    –you can stand on magma blocks under water you just need to shift on them and you don't take damage also those bubbles give you oxygen so you can stay under water or make a door and mine the obsidian and gold block

    you can go to nether for more advancements just don't forget to make gold armor piece you will only need one so make boots since only 4 gold ingots

    you can put boat on ice to travel faster

    — For the Caves & Cliffs advancement you need to dig to bedrock and place water at the bottom(could dig a 2 side hole so you can climb back up) then build to build limit which is 320 bedrock is -64 so you fall from 320 to -64 and get the achievement

    For combat:

    –axe does more damage then sword but is slower so can use a shield if you jump you crit so easy to kill mobs with an axe
    –you can put a boat down near you mobs will jump in it like zombies and enderman and you can kill them without taking damage not worth for skeleton since they can shoot you and spiders can't get in
    –also for enderman they are 3 blocks tall so dig in a tunnel 2 high and he won't reach you


    –when you loot chests(like the under water one) if you double click on the item your trying to take out it will take all(for example the iron nuggets instead of clicking on each one just double click on one of the nuggets and it will take all at once works with every item so will be faster to collect


    –don't go to the snow biome only snow rabbits, polar bears, foxes, wolves spawn in cold biomes so there will be no animals like sheep and cow


    –you can use the book to craft faster click on the item and it will use the items in your inventory if you have them for the recipe

    –if you shift click on the item in the book it will make more of them for example torches, shift click on torches in the book and then shift click them out to make more faster

    –you can search for the item your trying to make instead of clicking next page but it only shows items you can make from the blocks you already have or if you already made it so won't show other recipes since you haven't found that item yet

    taming animal quest:

    –you can tame a horse(donkey mule), a cat, a wolf, a llama, and a parrot so many choices
    — you can find a wolf in the snowy area and give them bones
    — parrot in jungle biome and give them seeds
    — horses donkey mule llama can be found in plains and savanna biome just sit on them many times and you will tame it
    –cats you can find in a village but need fish to tame and you need to shift and hold it otherwise they runaway

  4. Tips:
    when fighting a enderman place bucket of water at your feats.

    You can get food by swimming in the water and killing the fish.

    The magma blocks under water give you air if you crouch on them.

    You can shift click on items to get them directly in your inventory(from chests or crafting)

    You can press f to get anything to your offhand like a shield or a torch.


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