We Built a FIVE STAR ISLAND in Like a Dragon: Infinite Animal Crossing Parody Dondoko Island

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth isn’t all brutal fistfights, twisty intrigue and speed dating, it also contains an entire Animal Crossing-style minigame called Dondoko Island, where you must revive the fortunes of a formerly pleasant resort that is now overrun with garbage and pirates.

Watch on to see Andy and Jane set out on their journey to restore Dondoko Island to its former glory, and stick around to see a five star, double S rank island!

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38 thoughts on “We Built a FIVE STAR ISLAND in Like a Dragon: Infinite Animal Crossing Parody Dondoko Island”

  1. I was inspired by your video to make a red light district… lol. However, the visitors in this game are pretty dumb and are not able to move to different areas of the island and only react to things built next to a path. For that reason, I had to build lodging in every area.

  2. So the trash pirates deposit their trash in neat piles, and then you smash them up with a baseball bat and somehow this makes it cleaner? Love this game, need more Infinite Wealth videos!

  3. Hmm, Andy's not addressing any of Janes "sleaze" comments, I wonder if there's a reason for that? "So the island does unfortunately have a rather large red light district" There we go.

  4. I'd like to take this opportunity to formally apologise to Andy for not playing Like A Dragon as soon as he said, I'm now playing it on Game Pass and it genuinely might be my favourite video game

  5. 20:19 In Japan that's a front for a gray-zone not-quite prostitution establishment. The service provided is for "health", any kind of sexual-oriented service is an under-the-table agreement between the client and the worker, but not officially sanctioned by the establishment or owner.

  6. How did I spend my morning? Oh, just sitting here, drinking my coffee, watching Andy and Jane build a resort in a video game. I consider it time well spent. (Oh, and Jane is correct… “Health Club” = Massage Parlor, I reckon.)

  7. Loved the video and loving the game at the moment too. I'm only at chapter 6 because I keep getting distracted, but I'm really enjoying it, and having fun with it. It's amazing just how many different activities you can do in these games ☺

  8. So great! I'm not a Yakuza fan (never played the game), but I really enjoy watching you folks play it! You really bring it to life for me, even as someone who's not usually a fan of that game style :]

  9. I got to five stars by taking it slow. I’m giving it a break as when I go back I’ve got to clear the jumbled mess I’ve made.

    It did take a fair few hours. Same as this video one of the first building I put up was the urinal block. I know I should replace it…..but it kind of ties the island together.

  10. Andy's 5 star resort is so much nicer and well thought out than mine. I have stuff like every car/bus/truck you can build lined up on a pathway and guests just stare at them all day. 😂

  11. I worked, one summer, at a Grand Resort on Hatsushima (a small island in Japan), and I can say with full authority, that it was exactly like this to every detail. Yakuza run, sausage bugs, sleazy health centers, the works.

  12. Found out visitors won't travel between areas so I have 2 big zones with housing and then crammed in as many ways to make money and raise satisfaction as I could while using the smaller zones for chicken coops, food growing and farming mats.

    I got 5 stars and so far make about 2 mil every 3 days from visitors plus whatever I make selling the stuff I pick up/catch/fish. Spent 45 days on the island and i'm sitting on 20 mil dondoko bucks and have made 700k dollars on top of that.

    My island isn't pretty to look at but if I throw a bonfire once a tour they all usually end with pink or orange smiley faces and big tips without me needing to go around handing out souvenirs.

    Now I just need to keep on top of Dondoko farm, beat up any washbucklers that show up and fight off animal attacks while picking up everything I see to get them all top stars and make as much money as possible. As soon as I feel like i've made enough I can go buy the ridiculously overpowered weapons for my level and then experiment with jobsto find ones I ike.

  13. Not even two minutes in and the Yakuza games prove just how bizarrely weird (and oddly heartwarming) they are. Makes me wish I had a system…and a TV…

    Christ, between Mt. Sludgy in the background and that overenthusiastic Krofft-like greeting, I'm surprised any of them got off the boat…or that they didn't come off shooting.

    Jane, I'm sure (as a woman of the world) you know exactly what it's about…but I'm assuming it's staffed by women that will do what you want for a price. Fine, I'll spill…it's a front for a female assassin agency.


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