Wayne Glew back from showing them the Law & Grandmother Mulara "'the Voice"' deception

Wayne Glew is back folks, he has much to say, this is his first appearance for over a year.
Grab a cuppa of whatever you want and listen to Wayne tell it like only he can.
God Bless.
I am back and on the warpath on the criminals that entered my home with a fraudulent unsigned warrant when they had no evidence. The warrant was not signed but it was photo shopped from other documents and to top it off the so called police, that are public officers stated clearly that they had no evidence. My question then is why were they there?
Grandmother Mulara Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@grandmothermulara392
As a holder of Grandmother Lore and Colonial Juris Doctor law, She shared her position on the Voice for you to consider.
Never pay their extortion racket fines. https://aussiespeedingfines.com/
Complying with tyrants has a 100% failure rate people, whatever these tyrants say DO THE OPPOSITE…
All State & Federal Governments are unlawful & illegitimate. Stop doing what they say & take them out.
Neither the Federal nor the State Governments are sovereign bodies:
they are legislatures with limited powers, any law which they attempt to pass
in excess of those power is NO LAW AT ALL it is simply a nullity entitled to NO OBEDIENCE…
Free Download of Original Constitution
Download the Constitution FREE: http://www.cirnow.com.au/fileuploads/!!!Original-1900-Constitution.pdf
Section 109: of the Commonwealth Constitution provides “that where a state law
is inconsistent with a Commonwealth law, the state law is invalid, to the extent of the inconsistency.”
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer


29 thoughts on “Wayne Glew back from showing them the Law & Grandmother Mulara "'the Voice"' deception”

  1. The NWO GLOBALIST don't want sovereign people the Khazarian Mafia wants to own you continuously like they own everything else you will own nothing and like it plebs.

  2. Uncle Wayne is one of the most honourable, honest and patriotic Australian that I know of that is fighting for the the people and their stolen rights.
    It was also an honour to have met Grandmother Mulara that speaks the truth. TY liabilitymate once again…

  3. Keep on powering Wayne💪Sue these criminal bastards. Thing is you will prove all this to be true then who is going to act on your behalf and prosecute these criminals….. also considering we have King Chuck the Turd may not actually become a monarch in May…. where does this then leave the validity of our original constitution ??

  4. Search warrants in Western Australia
    Search warrants in Western Australia are governed by the Criminal Investigation Act 2006 (WA), Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 (WA), Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Firearms Act 1973 (WA), and Weapons Act 1999 (WA). Search warrants are issued by Justices of the Peace under the Criminal Investigation Act 2006 (WA).

    For search warrants other than those issued under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981, police are limited to conducting their searches between 6am and 9pm. The exception to this is if there is someone in danger or there is a real chance the effectiveness of the search will be jeopardised.

    More information about search warrants in WA can be found in our article, Search Warrants in Western Australia.

  5. Unfortunately they have altered the law in western Australia a jp is An application for a search warrant must identify the premises that the police wish to search and set out the reasons that they have for believing that they will find evidence on those premises. The police must satisfy the Justice of the Peace that they have reasonable grounds to believe that there is, or there will be, the person or things sought in the warrant. The offence that they believe has occurred, or will occur, must also be identified in the application and on the warrant. The warrant must state the time during which it can be executed, which cannot be more than 30 days from the date the warrant was issued.

  6. It seems the Maoris will be having their own trials for the poke and genocide we are seeing. Reiner Fuellmich the German lawyer has been discussing this. The Māoris apparently are sovereign and never succeeded to the corporations. Reiner says tribes all around the world are getting together. Are our aboriginal people doing the same? They need to get together with the Māori leaders. This is one of the reasons the grubberment is trying so hard with The Voice. The want them to contract.

  7. Federal Minister for Aboriginal affairs wearing a double row of pea sized pearls,sums it up ,the black people at the top graft just as much of the people s money ment to help ,as the White's at the top do ,the voice will change nothing but the rights of all Australian s , black white and brindle, have nots is all we all will be


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