Watts Case|Cindy Watts Book ALL MY BROKEN PIECES Chapters 1-3 Read Outloud with Pictures

Chris Watts Mother, Cindy WAtts, has a lot to say as she recounts her son’s childhood, adulthood, marriage to his Wife Shanann Watts and becoming a father to Bella A Cece Watts.
Cindy’s candid account is refreshing and at times shocking. She tells it like she sees it and includes details about her husband Ronnie Watts and daughter Jamie Watts, who she referes to as Sarah throught out the book ALL MY BROKEN PIECES.

The Watts Family Tragedy is a horrible crime to recount, We trust that the victims are in eternal joy and peace together in heaven. RIP Shanann, Bella, Celeste and Baby Niko.

#CeceWatts #ShanannWatts #BellaWatts #WAttsfamily murders #WattstheObsession


43 thoughts on “Watts Case|Cindy Watts Book ALL MY BROKEN PIECES Chapters 1-3 Read Outloud with Pictures”

  1. It’s pretty crappy talk the way she did about her murdered DIL. The women clearly butt heads a lot, but why didn’t she speak up when SW was still here? She seems unnaturally obsessed and in love with her own child. It was a kick in the face when she told him she forgave him in the impact statement. I mean I get it, she hated Shanann. But what about her grandkids? It’s ok that he killed them as well? I don’t think Cindy is all there upstairs honestly and I believe she saw the girls as more extensions of a woman she despised than being half of her nutbag whack job of a sons. I do believe SW made a big scene over the nutgate story, I don’t believe she tried to hurt the kids. I also agree that Cece needed to be told she can’t have what she wants every time she wants it regarding the ice cream blowout. I saw Shannans many fb postings harping on it nonstop accusing her of tryin to kill her daughter, she was a little mental herself she just hid it better than Chris

  2. I’m sorry but I’ll be damned if some bratty little snot is gonna bang on my door and wake me up on my vacation lmao .. exactly WHAT is “adorable” about that?!? Sorry but I gotta side with Shanann on that one 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. A great reading.. thank you 🙏 this helped me to feel ‘Cindy’.. she has maintained her composure under horrendous circumstances.. more power to her I say.
    Abhor the actions yet can still see the son she birthed.

  4. I'm 22 minutes in and guess the point of Cindy's book is to rehabilitate her sons image and bash Shanann. And bashing Shanann seems to be the point of many of the comments as well.

  5. Is she in PAIN. NO No NO.
    The Rzukecs are. She gets to talk to her evil spawn.
    Cindy is just trying to justify why this happened.
    Nobody in their RIGHT mind will DO what he DID.
    Strangling HIS ENTIRE family. Shrewdly and cunningly premeditating this horrific ACTS.
    This was not a crime of passion BUT a crime of LUST.

  6. Chris’smother is a very devil and stupid and evil 👿 woman as her son Chris…She is a murderer as her son…She is a 🧙‍♀️ mother Every body Hates her as much as her Son…. Down with both of them and Damn to her

  7. Shannan telling Chris to introduce her as a 40 year old was just to break the ice and make a first impression a funny one. I thought that was great. The fact that Cindy didn’t get it, should have been enough for her to say- red flag. Mom, is a hater and insecure. That’s what that tells me. She’s not very happy in general. Maybe, because her husband is a lifetime coke head. That could bring a person down.

  8. Im so glad Cindy watts is finally getting her time to speak …..the way so many people bashed her is disgusting…….but she remained quiet the whole time that's a class act !!!!!!!

  9. I find it interesting that Shannan decided to email Cindy and say they should try to not see each other, right after the engagement announcement. I’m sorry to point out, but abusive partners or even organizations will slowly but surely separate one from one’s family and friends/support. And it feels very systematic that this occurred after she procured the engagement. However to be fair, I must add that I wonder if Cindy glosses over any of her behavior or comments which showed her supposed dislike for Shanann which Shanann mentions. Personally, I think it was right for Cindy to be concerned with all the red flags….the house, the “health issues,” the weird jokes, the disparaging comments towards Chris right in the beginning, forcing Chris to drive 12 hours for a child’s party….etc etc.

  10. Regardless of their marriage issues, and families not getting on etc, he made the choice to kill his family, he deserves to be in jail, he could, or should have just divorced, like any normal person would do, I will never understand what the hell he was thinking when he committed these horrendous crime

  11. How can Ronnie and Cindy NOT go to the wedding that only last about 3 or 4 hours because they could not get along with Shanann, but can go to their house and stay a whole week under the same roof with Shanann.

  12. She didn’t sound like a good mother or spouse and I do believe it because there are too many signs of her not being a good person BUT she did not deserve to get killed nor those two babies.


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