Was Granit Xhaka Always This Good? | In Focus ft. @jamesAFC

Was Granit Xhaka Always This Good? | In focus

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32 thoughts on “Was Granit Xhaka Always This Good? | In Focus ft. @jamesAFC”

  1. He has always been good. Some of ours fans really are hard to be satisfied. I really like him from day one, because we were soft at some point and everyone was coming to bully Arsenal when we play. For the fact that he had always stood his ground is a bonus for me.

  2. You can look at all the stats you want football is a team sport. Yes individual players can lift or even carry a team but not at this level. Being a leader he is but as a individual and his talent has enhanced due to MA being the manager. He deserves the credit like I said team game.

  3. The difference between a boss and a leader is pretty obvious. The other players follow him not because of the armband, it's because of their respect for him. He has proven many fans wrong, including myself.

  4. I find it funny how many people in the comments "always stood by him". Shameless people, let's go back to when he threw the shirt or the red card against City or the OG against Burnley or the other uncountable mistakes on aftv and see how many of you were "standing by him" then.

    I hated the guy and would have paid his contract out personally if I had the money, but now I love him so much I'd be gutted if he left or got injured. Nothing wrong with saying how it is

  5. I agree with you. I was so frustrated with yellows and reds but I guess now I recognise that he was out of position. Essentially the manager did him dirty and the fan's lashed out. So yes we, the fans, need to always understand that there is a different. There were definitely games where he's been fantastic, every single season but the Mikel has transformed him.

    A former team mate and now manager has made such a difference.

    I found this video after saying, "if we win the league, I'll get his name on my shirt"

    I'm waiting for the next testimonial…. Perhaps he's changed hearts that much? Perhaps too soon but when we win the league, I'll call it.

  6. There was a certain guy who used to comment under any vid about xhaka, constantly hating on him, and hating on anyone who liked xhaka and believed in him as a player. Now xhaka has shown his quality this season, that guy has all of a sudden disappeared. I'm glad our performances this season so far have smoked out all the little weasels that were only around to hate, and enjoyed when we were down.

  7. He has limitations and strengths. Before he was played in a way that highlighted his limitations and didn't play to his strengths.
    Wenger didn't produce a balanced coordinated team from back to front and left a crap storm.

  8. I think he's just grown mentally over the years, think the stress and the fans doubting his ability got to him. Now he's older and there's a bit less stress on the pitch for him and now he's playing a position he likes so he showing us fans what the managers and player have always seen from him in training

  9. He was played out of position. Put Neymar as CB and we will se how good he will be. Xhaka is playing in the perfect position now. A manager needs to put a player in the right position to get the best out of him.
    I remember when Gareth Bale was horrible as left back and then the manager changed his position to LW and after that COM and then he mooved to Real Madrid. So there is a lot of examples where players played better when they played ln the right position.

  10. i gotta be honest i'm probably like one of a handful of people who never doubted he had what it takes, but for some reason the last 18months, he has been able to truly show it to the rest of the world. i have this vision of him lifting up the prem cup with us then going on to becoming a true club legend! fingers crossed! COYG <3

  11. Xhaka was always this good the problem was he was being asked to play in a position that didn't suit him plus he was made to seat deep and protect the defense taking away his creativity in the middle of the park

  12. 1. I think the word is encumbered.
    I still remember how much I cursed Wenger for not picking Kante over Xhaka.
    2. That being said, what Xhaka said after last season's bottle job, it didn't bother me, if anything, I was agreeing with him. People needed to man up or leave this club, and guess what, they manned up!👏
    3. Absolutely loved when he picked Henderson by the neck in the Liverpool game after the guy insulted Gabi.M "Yoo, wanna have a fall on your head!?"🤣🤣

  13. He has always had qualities, but a lot of it boils down to systems and the role. How many times have we seen players flourish or flop depending on the manager’s system? There is no doubt he had qualities before, but this new role has unlocked something else in him and utilised his ability far better than anyone has before. We control games more as well so he doesn’t need to make as many last ditch challenges and he is playing further away from our box so he isn’t the one being exposed. Plus he is playing with a better balanced team.
    Arteta said in his interview that he told Xhaxa he needs him to step up in the role and Xhaxa responded by coming back to training slimmer and fitter than ever before. The guys work ethic is immense and he deserves all the plaudits for his contribution this season.

  14. I never blamed Xhaxa for his Palace reaction. I don’t think it was just the booing but also the constant social media bombardment. Heard some vile things were said about his wife and children. The booing was the icing on the cake. I also think he also gave it his all whereas others didn’t and he probably felt hard done by being the one called out like that. He is a professional and should have handle it differently, but he is also human and I think most would have snapped. Says a lot about what sort of man he is for staying though. I’ve got immense respect for him for fighting to change the narrative.


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