Complete history of the Fall and Reqonquest of the planet damnos by the forces of the Imperium led by the Ultramarines Chapter under Marneus Calgar and Cato Sicarius with support from the Deathwatch and Imperial Guard. Opposing them are were the forces of the Necrons who long ago claimed Damnos as a Tomb World.

Thanks! Emperor Protects!


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  1. I'm sorry Calgar and the pylon bit… ohhh boy lol can't let the smurfs have a bloody nose now can we GW. Keep up the good work AB! Your videos are a high point for me in the grim darkness of our modern times.

  2. Grrr. Not you too. Gauss is pronounced like house. Its the name of the German physicist, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. The scribe, whom misinformed the Inquisitor, shall be punished severely. Good narration as always AB.

  3. Pro tip: Always make sure you make a distinction between the boy's birthday and the surrounding holidays for a kid born around Christmas. Also it's hard to plan birthday parties that time of year because everyone is busy with the holidays.

  4. i think the Necron are one of the most terrifying enemies to the emperium. cold hard mechanical logic and such technological superiority i think make them among the most dangerous of the xenos threats.

  5. I'm a great fan of your page. I'm also a player of warhammer 40k. I've got my own HB Chapter…aka Guardians of Asgaard. Sisters of Battle…aka Order of the Black Rose. My Titan Legion…aka Prima Victa Roma Felix Legion also known as the Storm Ravens. And my Knight House…aka Excalibur Knights of St. Michael. My Navel Assets…aka Battle Fleet Verdun. Last but not least my Imperial Gaurd Grand Army. The 54th Verdun Heavy Gaurds. I love the books I read a lot and get a lot of info of youtube. I love it all but the thing that I really do hate about Warhammer 40k is the massively over use of the words FURY and WRATH. It just sounds cheesy and corny. 2nd the tactics that are almost used in every book. I mean is realistic that 100 Space Marines can hold of Thousands of Necrons or any other race in Warhammer. No is reality they be wiped out so quick it would make your head spin. In the game and world I play in realism is definitely there. I honestly think a trained MONKEY can write better than GW. Know they have Space Dwarves and that cheesy new Demigod…what's his name…I can't remember it. I know this isn't canon but our gamemaker allowed me to use Mahlal of Malice the one God chaos truly fears. My Chapter is of the 2nd Legion. And I know I'm gonna get hate for this my Sister's of Battle or the female equivalent of Space Marines…upgrades and implants to. One last thing…with is with all the characters cheesy names none of my named characters use those types of names. I use names like Bob, Kevin, Rebecca….ect.. so as you can see I'm a HUGE fan of the game. Please keep up with the lore and content video's there great.

  6. The Ultramarine fleet emerged from the warp inside of the neighboring planet of Utinus. With the entire chapter and all attached personnel thus lost, before even a single shot could be fired. The reclamation of Damnos has been temporarily abandoned.

  7. I come from a mother who has a birthday the day after Christmas, a brother who's birthday is Christmas Eve, and my own birthday is the day before that so good luck too you man, December parties are a bitch with holidays and all that lol

  8. Somehow you manage to just be perfect with the little editorial interjections. Just the right amount. Short, sweet and almost absolutely god damn hilarious when intended. Hats off to you sir
    Edit: if you happen to read this, are they scripted or just something that pops into your head?

  9. Wait… so the entire battlefleet warped into the upper atmosphere of a gas giant??

    And the gravitational disruption of the immaterrium/matterium transition didn't shred their ships into confetti?

    Fucking smurf plot armor man


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