Wartales #54 – The Village

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12 thoughts on “Wartales #54 – The Village”

  1. To answer a few questions you posed. I’ll edit to add or remove as I watch:

    You can go up a piton, click on the bottom of the rope.

    Yes there is a new recipe that uses mushrooms. There is not a recipe that uses cheese yet (I think).

    Yes there is another epic bow, it’s in Ludern along with a 1h axe and a spear.

    Your noise is effected by your gear. If you change armor to something light or just take it off it helps with your noise.

  2. Finally!! Keeping us waiting!

    You can indeed go up a piton, just click the end of the rope not the piton itself. The impaling stake is for killing prisoners, it will give you a bunch of influence.

  3. Wew you gave me the chills both in that first village fight, then after when you almost met the horde! Good hallowen vibes I guess 🙂 As usual here are my remarks:

    1) Rats and Plague ridden don't get damaged by poison, on the opposite poison buffs them.

    2) You can't get plague-wounded as long as you have some armour left. Which makes animals bad against plague foes in the sense that they get wounded easily.

    3) Hold shift (by default) to drop a certain quantity from a stack of items.

    4) Groups of enemies sometimes idle with a fighting icon (like those bears near the Ludern border) ; they're stuck, it's not a quest at all. If you click to attack them you'll see they're actually fighting against otherwise invisible foes (often it's the guard). This bug is quite common throughout the game, no fix yet.

  4. Little backseat: You seem to try to find the lockpick spot by paying attention to the short end. Why not focus on- and place the mouse on the long, hooked end.
    I found it infinitely easyer to spot- and move there for nouances.
    Tap it quickly to have tension released (and durability saved)before even hearing the creak. The fish for the silent parts using the long end vs ornament/rust pattern of the background.

    Your episodes are a treat to come back to. NOT minmax powergaming/ knowing it all is what makes it enjoyable to watch.

    Somehow- dispite uniform character models, Kyrharr looks so incredibly slim and light. Like some weakly hipster drafted for war xD Great rp value there.

  5. Since your 2H Axe merc hit level 8 I’ll share my favorite build if you or anyone else is interested. I always get 3-4 kills in the first round and sometimes 5. I’m using the “Splitter” epic axe but any good 2H axe will work.

    Lvl 2 executioner for cutting maelstrom. Upgrade this so that you get an extra swing every time it makes a kill. The upgrade is crucial.

    Lvl 3 valorous chain. You’re always trying to hit more than one.

    Lvl 5 Recklessness. It’s currently bugged but would be great. Any of these lvl 5 skills are good for this build including the new first blood.

    Lvl 8 challenging shout. This is the second most important skill and upgrade this to give them all fragility. It pulls everything right next to you, debuffs them, and puts them in range of cutting maelstrom. It also places them next to each other for the oil.

    For the oil put on Misty oil and make the belt concentrate to make it go off at 60%. This is the only weapon I use Misty oil on. Because challenging shout brings everything to you it puts them next to each other and Misty oil procs a lot.

    Use this merc very early in the fight and place him near a group that he can run into the middle of. The run skill may be needed to help get into them sometimes. You’re trying to get in the middle and then use challenging shout to bring as many of them next to you as possible. I’ve gotten as many as five but it’s usually 3-4. After challenging shout you can swing your axe with the basic attack or go ahead and use cutting maelstrom (CM). CM when upgraded will kill everything except a tank and sometimes not a medium armor but it usually kills them too.

    Enjoy if you wish!

  6. Fire does additional damage on Rats, Moles, Outcrops, Creepers and Infected; you should outfit and attack with torches. Additionally torches are lighter than the materials. If you get to a higher altitude piton down to avoid going around in the future and having alternate travel routes around Ludern. Infused collar heals animal at the end of their turn. The Crocswine will be easier if you kill with range and retreat from the biting flies and don't run through Hazards let them come to you while you get valor standing and waiting. A group of bandits control a second boarder crossing from Tiltren to Ludern. Just East of ‘Mount Altis Inn’ bending around the lake.


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