Warren Mars reacts to Amy Shafer reacting to Led Zeppelin

The first in my series of meta-reactions. In this one I react to Tennessee based, classical harpist and teacher: Amy Shafer, reacting Led Zeppelin’s famous “Kashmir” from “Physical Graffiti”.


15 thoughts on “Warren Mars reacts to Amy Shafer reacting to Led Zeppelin”

  1. maybe if you listen to what the reactor is saying, you might be able to understand what is being said, id rather listen to a classical teachers first reaction than your BS, i would say the upvotes are for her and not you,

  2. Amy understands music and as a musician myself I respect that and I know she knows what she is talking about. I must say…A reactor reacting to a reactor is quite cheap and just riding on someone else's coat tail. You should have your own opinions as Amy is an educator for anyone who cares and she has many as opposed to you

  3. The bass drum IS the main riff. Jimmy’s exotic DADGAD guitar tuning adds the flavor and John Paul’s brass and Mellotron arrangements well, finished it all off. Everything is better when JPJ is involved.

  4. I thought it was classical musicians who had superiority complex but clearly it’s self important fragile ego’s of supposed musical experts. Amy knows what she is talking about spotting subtleties and giving her opinion from her point of view. You can only patronise people when you have a valid standpoint rather than it’s a rock song, I’d rather be taught than patronised.

  5. Sorry dude, I couldn't finish watching. Ms. Shafer is treating the music with the respect it deserves. I wish you'd given her the same courtesy; she is obviously well educated and serious about analysis and sharing her love for music in all its diversity. Your mocking attitude won't win you many followers.

  6. Wow! It turns out Amy has quite a fanclub! You're all guys so I guess you all have the hots for the lady and seeing her apparently under attack, like good little knights you rush to her defence. Onward Gen-Z soldiers!
    To be honest, this is not an attack. I was just having a bit of fun and was never actually nasty. If I go on the attack you will know it.
    If you're reading this this Amy: You should be happy to have such a loyal bunch of adoring fanbois. You should give them some work to do, like cleaning your floors, mowing your lawn, washing your car etc. I'm sure they'll be your willing slaves if you just give them a little taste of your whip! Bust out your leather bra and stiletto boots and you're good to go!
    Have fun people!


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