Warhammer Fantasy – Darkblade – Lord of Ruin (Part 17/23)

The fifth book from the Malus Darkblade saga. Enjoy!

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Synopsis: “Possessed by the daemon Tz’arkan, dark elf Malus Darkblade has a year to recover five items of unimaginable power and restore the daemon to life, or forfeit his soul. As his quest nears its end, Malus is taken captive and ordered by the Witch King, Malekith himself, to defend Naggaroth against a Chaos invasion. As battle rages around him, Malus must find the Amulet of Vaurog and return to Tz’arkan before time runs out and he is damned forever!”

The rights to everything related to the Warhammer and Warhammer Fantasy belong to their respective owners. I own nothing except this book which I narrated on my own.


10 thoughts on “Warhammer Fantasy – Darkblade – Lord of Ruin (Part 17/23)”

  1. As Lance laid dying poison star stood in front of him as Maxwell laid unconscious beside him

    Poison star look down at him she felt sorry for him and felt guilty for all the days she looked down on him seeing him as but she thought a blood sucking leech parasite

    But over the years he took care of her saved her from the mob of Orc's
    Then he protected her against a chaos warband now again

    She always loved him she wanted to be more to him but couldn't Evewind Morningstar already tooken his heart and she could not compete against that but then she realized he was always looking at her as a daughter

    Ever since that night he lost Beldonna it almost destroyed him she was the only thing that came close back to being his daughter teaching her how to be an efficient fighter how to get rid of the arrogance That grew within her race

    Always making sure that her men were always taken care of as well her he ask nothing except for loyalty
    She can feel every bit of his emotions every day the hatred the sadness the loneliness

    So much confliction but it was able to handle it in many ways she saw him as the most strongest warrior and now to see him so brought low made her feel so sad

    A man that define death a thousand times and here he is now finally succumbing to death now she would repay her debt to him one way or another

    Poison star took off her leather armor she pulled out her blade she cut her hand wide open the blood dropped and seeped onto the floor

    As Moonlight illuminated the room She waited she knew Lance would wake for the blood would always attract him she remember the first time when he fed how his heartbeat raced she could feel it

    She felt a pure primal emotion when he went through the state and now she wonder how he would feel if
    he took her blood

    Then his eyes open up they glared red she could feel what he wanted but he resisted he fought she could feel every emotion of conflicting within him

    He got up shambling along the floor staring right into her eyes then he stood before her poison star looked right into his eyes

    He looked back down with a hunger poison star lifted her hand to his face he turned around licked her blood off her hand then he felt disgusted he turned his eyes away

    But poison Star grabbed his face no Lance do it for if you die I can't bear it and think about what would Evewind do without you think about what would Maxwell do without you or the whole group and I don't want to hear Baurick complain about your death Lance

    For we all care about you you've done so much and without your presence we will all fall apart so do what you got to do

    Lance finally gave in he ripped the bandage From her right shoulder he suck his fangs right into her wound

    She felt his heart beating with hers then Lance drunk heavily it was arousing she held on tight to him as he did to her feeling his hunger then she slowly let go of him as they both went to the floor

    Then Lance heard her heart slowly beat he pulled away he pulled her up to him as he looked at the dark elf girl he turned around called her real name Amara come back to me do not fall into the darkness please

    You're so much to me and I can't bear to lose you just like I did Beldonna Amara then she opened her eyes oh Lance you called me by my real name

    Yes I did and now you know how much you mean to me yes I knew your true name that night a long time back in Nordland are you going to be fine

    Yes Lance I just feel so weak and tired oh Amara will you ever forgive me for what I've done for taking your blood has made me shame no Lance for it's what you had to do and it was my decision I just didn't want you to die

    If I was to die Amara I wanted to do it by saving my friends and my daughter oh Lance I love you too I know Amara hugged him Maxwell rosed up for the floor

    Is she going to be all right Lance yes she is now asleep Maxwell I'm aware of your love for her you should be by her side take her

    Maxwell grab the hold of Amara she felt like a light bundle of hay to him she slept so quietly in his arms

    He looked up at Lance how do you know for I felt it the whole entire time I traveled here I felt your pain her happiness and your love for each other in time she will fall in love with you Maxwell for she still a young woman and you're still a young man

    When that day comes Maxwell do not hide your emotions to her for she is a strong woman and she will be by your side when she needs you the most

    Oh Lance I did not know I always suspected now I'm glad for this whole adventure seeing her strength I don't know what I would do without her she's saved my life more than once

    Lance got up now you keep her safe Maxwell for what I'm about to do I want you to know one thing it is something you both will feel

    So please endure it understand it for my wrath tonight will be of blood and rage so concentrate your love to her and watch her yes my Lord and Lance you don't have to say it Maxwell

    I love you too like a son then Lance walked away as essence taker flew to his hand his eyes turned Scarlet Red for vengeance was his on the dark elves of the Shadow Moon Clan

    as he walked out the door his shadow followed with him as Maxwell saw it pulled the door behind him and knew that on this night there will be so much Deaths

  2. I got to say cutter's and pockets are some interesting characters of their selves and that brutal fight for the tunnel oh boy yeah I got serious like I figured 👍😀

  3. A fun slave-chain of facets, strewn together: soldier tunnel rat-ing, sapping, a Dirty half-Dozen of cutthroats, great shades of Gotrek & Felix's subterranean ventures, plus those in Nuln and at the above-ground Chaos siege of Praag.
    And that Tz'arkan soul-suit of the daemon's grip gets tighter and feels evermore encasing.
    Ambush by horde marauders = Nagaira "is well-read." – Little Druchii Highborn
    More sly subterfuge scenarios…"kill it with witchfire!" Thank you once again for this continuation, GDN!


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