Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader – Ep. 50: Sphere & Loathing

Today, we’re faced with wave after wave of Sphere and loathing.
The last guy tried orbital decay. We’re taking a more grounded approach.

00:00 Sphere and loathing. (Combat)
29:05 Orbital decay.
40:40 Stopped cold.
52:47 Outro & Special Thanks!

While I did receive an early game key, I’m not otherwise affiliated with Games Workshop, Owlcat Games, or Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader in any way. I’m just an oldschool tabletop gamer who loves poking at newfangled CRPGs and strategy games!

You can find out more about Rogue Trader here:

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Raider Lords: Revenant!

Raider Captain: Alois, CrowkingLoR, Dragonmatrix7, Drakiith, EerieV23, EgonAlter, Exsellsior, Gottlieb, James Trimmier, Kazorm, Mark Giemza, Nathan Welch Jr, OverlordPherom, RandomPassrby, RobbyB, Tomasz Piątkowski, Triphoppenskip, and Valinrook!

Veteran Raiders: Blaine Landowski, Dale Johnson, EpicSeymore, Indiana Smith, Jeremy Wirth, kasves, killerMinnow, Lady Shayna, Laura and Mike, Leroynukenson, Nerd_Prof, Raximus Savvage, Sam Russell, Shara, Shaun Orpen, Short trek Hero, Silencer, Terry Williams, The Link King, TheBookThief, Todd Cline, Valinrook, and Zarmal!

Honorary Raiders: Alexander Hochbaum, Arrow1bowmen, austin fagan, Ben Hollingshead, Benjamin Grey, BOZE77, C1s, Christian, Chronosaur, Comrade Robot, David Pascall, Desh, EerieV23, Ego2, Ethan VonderWeid, flamebeard, Foetwain0, Hextoler, Icestormshadow, ittahbaw, Kim Jensen, Loolaloo, Mariusz Perzyna, Matt Harris, mclouj, Oil of Hope, Optimal 2, Peter, RobH, Served Cold, Steve Saksa, Timothy LaRose, and Vertigo322!

Raiders-in-Training: Adam Lacko, Amos B, AN, Austyn Pence, Chai Tea, Christepher McKenney, David Stuart, Dawen Liang, Dead Wolf, DentonEX, douglas9521, Duong Nguyen, Eben Kleinhans, Emma Long, Eric Speijers, exciting-burp, Gilborath, Gristoufle, Haldrahir, Henrik Jönsson, Henrik Reimer, hob0tron, john kotro, Jonathan Chisholm, King’s Rook, Luke, Manlor, Nebojsa, NOD Goblin Nico, Nolan Burke, Oscar van Vliet, Patricia Murray, Purge, rashidhazim, Rick Kuiper, Robert Turner, Rod Batten, TheOgreTheKing, Thomas K Arata, vucrulez, and Yvreth!


28 thoughts on “Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader – Ep. 50: Sphere & Loathing”

  1. 37:24 I feel like it’s mentioned in by Heinrix in a conversation and especially one if you brought him here.

    Psykers are brought to Terra to classify them in terms of psychic power and potential, check them for purity and mental stability, and then sort them into new roles serving the imperium after training and sanctioning. The ones who don’t pass are generally either sacrificed to throne to help power the astronomicon or killed

    You were pretty on the mark more or less

  2. its said several thousand psykers are sacrificed to the emperor daily to supposedly keep the astronomicon lit to maintain the ability for mankind to warp travel.

  3. There are many powerful/sanctioned factions who do not want the Emperor resurrected. His resurrection is expected as "the star child" (extremely unlikely from the corpse on the throne). The aforementioned factions are vigilant for the child, so that they could kill it.

    The emperor cast his love, care, empathy, etc. into the warp some time before his death – which explains why he legacy is so cold and ruthless. The child would come from all of those, after they have grown in the warp (as all warp entities tend to do).

  4. Brave Sir Retcon ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    ("I didn't!")
    When danger reared it's ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    ("I never!")
    Yes, brave Sir Retcon turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    ("You're lying!")
    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Retcon! 🤪

  5. 01:40 how dare you talk like that about the beautifully disgusting grandpapa Nurgle?!

    Jokes aside being the only one who goes as far as to give bliss and take away the pain of his servants he's the only chaos god I would be somewhat willing to fall to when compared to being strapped by the nipples to the ceiling, constant war all day everyday or being turned into a chicken because my patron god is bored.
    The bar is not set too high for anything when these are your options but hey… At least I get to be a tree instead of gore…

  6. The Black-Ships are specialized vessels sent out from Terra to collect and bring back great numbers of Psykers to graded &/Or trained by the best on Terra. Unless you're one of the more weaker &/Or unstable Psykers who can barely cast magic or can't control their magic; in which case they have their souls fed straight into the Golden Throne as to empower and refuel The God Emperor. And because of the grave wounds the Emperor suffered before being entombed in the Golden Thorne, roughly 1,000 psychically gifted souls are needed to keep him "alive" & the great psychic space beacon "The Astronomican" functioning. For without both, the entire Imperium would shatter like glass in mere days.

  7. thousands of psykters everyday are sacrificed to keep the emperor alive the emps is verry important he acts a giant psychic lighthouse and without him all the worlds of humanity would not be able to function properly and humanity would be doomed

  8. The weird part is that this is NOT a Black Ship. Those vessels are specifically designed to handle abilities of their "cargo" as well as any attack from outside AND there is a small contingent of Sisters of Silence aka pariahs trained to slaughter psykers by dozens on board. Not to mention that they operate under Lords of Terra directly.

    Meanwhile this ship belonged to Inquisition, has inquisitorial crew and is of different design as Black Ship would be immediately recognised by Heinrix, Cassia and Pascal.

    So it's unlikely to be Black Ship, but rather someone in Inquisition was exploiting their position to pull some shady business.

  9. P.S.: are Bloodletters that Idira summons hostile to other enemies(lorewise they should be) and is there a talent to make her "redirect" perils of Warp ie allow those things to spawn closer to enemies or affect enemies too?


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