Warcraft 3: The TRUE Story of Arkain [Act 8] 02 – The Dragon and the Duke (2/2)

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMmfhvBzj4FBr34nDLlRcMaUzZPIthmr8

Legends of Arkain consists of an original plot where the True story coalesces the story told throughout the First and Second Books of the three races of Arkain into one. This retroactively overhauls older maps in significant ways with re-terraining, adding characters, adding playable factions, and fleshing out the storyline overall.

The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them… or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.

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39 thoughts on “Warcraft 3: The TRUE Story of Arkain [Act 8] 02 – The Dragon and the Duke (2/2)”

  1. Actually, Vanessa used the necklace her Uncle Hortnog gave to her way back in the earlier chapters to teleport away to him. It's actually a neat way in telling how the necklace will come in handy, and it did!

  2. Yooo Kazardius and his name reanimen!!!! i wanna watch em more now that they are questioning everything!!
    Also, how do they have their own will? Did Aridan not bind them like he did the other undeads??

  3. imagine hortnog is talking to the leader of goldaxe clan and vanessa suddenly teleports there and if there is no more added mission from the orc and human side from the books to the true story then its either gonna end nxt act or in the 10th act cause in the human 2nd books we are close to the last mission same with orc

  4. Ok, this was unexpected, yet welcome surprise. And another choice from orc book 2 has been made canon(vanessa siding with orcs instead of trying to redeem herself by her father). What end from said book will make canon, we shall see. Who's behind duke narrows down to 3 options – aridon, largoth or the dead demon guy. Four, if it was still the sheer bloodyminded hate instead.
    Expect more twists to come.
    Lastly, there might be a line to be drawn (in a way) between the zirr nexus and certain bloody magpies(you know which ones) in regards to how they handle knowledge.

  5. ah man, I can't wait for the Orcs to stick it to Aridon's plans. I really do love the fact that they're the one faction no one can truly account for and pretty much survive everything sent at them. Though with the recent developments of Gardon's ambitions being brought to the fore, I wonder if that'll affect the Gnolls' allegiances at all.

  6. …You sure that it's not Shar purposefully toning down this mission that made it easier?

    Also two minor questions about the Moghtar Orcs:

    1. Is the Warlock hero called Irriraz or Izziraz? His name in the opening cinematic is spelled Irriraz but it’s Izziraz everywhere else

    2. Why is Rezar the Burning not in the opening cinematic? I remember in the original first orc book wasn’t he Harrash’s son that took over the clan when Harrash was killed by the player in the Rise of the Clans mission or something? I mean it makes sense if he’s a lower-tier lieutenant here (seeing that he’s in charge of one of the gray base) therefore not in the meeting, but wouldn’t it makes more sense to give the other gray base another hero with the same model to signify they’re a lower rank member of the Moghtar (therefore not having a unique model)? Also they should be part of gray’s attack forces I think. Anyways that’s just a minor suggestion

  7. I honestly think Vanessa fucked up here. A lie without any evidence is just kind of a bad idea for an alliance's founding, and the Ogres are NOT idiots here. This was a poor choice. I'm expecting it to backfire.

  8. Aridon wants RedFist to be his champion?!
    Undead Insane Fanatical Dad of the Year confirmed?!!

    I can see where the last scene of the Undead faction is going, Rhandir would probably override Aridon's control over them.

  9. Personal I would have LOVED for Kazardius and his people to have joined the new living nation of Zyainor, would have been the perfect time and place for harmony between the living and the dead. But Aridon being the conniving SOB (or lich as his model is) cannot see balance in THAT!

  10. Kazardius' appearance in the interlude made me intrigued in what is going to happen with the Undead. I truly hope Aridon dies because of his "balance" and also he deserves it.


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