Warcraft 3: The TRUE Story of Arkain [Act 7] 07 – Horse and Rider

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMmfhvBzj4FBr34nDLlRcMaUzZPIthmr8

Legends of Arkain consists of an original plot where the True story coalesces the story told throughout the First and Second Books of the three races of Arkain into one. This retroactively overhauls older maps in significant ways with re-terraining, adding characters, adding playable factions, and fleshing out the storyline overall.

The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them… or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.

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28 thoughts on “Warcraft 3: The TRUE Story of Arkain [Act 7] 07 – Horse and Rider”

  1. I saw the rolling bear in the thumbnail, immediately like!❤❤😅

    By the way, did anyone notice that Zoia is the new Largoth? She always reminds us to not waste time..😂

  2. 9:07 in the original second orc book, Zairmak said that Rangul didn’t want his son to be the leader. Here in the True Story we finally see it, and now we also have Gorthog becoming the interim leader should anything happen to Rangul (which everyone who played or watched the second orc book would know about).
    But for someone like myself who knows what will happen in the next act (shout out to Nation of Amelia for that) I for one was glad that at least Rangul named a successor.

  3. I like gorthog, but now i'm i little worried that, by Ranghul putting him in charge, some civil war will spawn later, and how will this impact the cannon missions and plotline that will happen soon-ish
    i'm intrigued

    If that isn't proof of the new Age of Jayborino, I don't know what is!

    Also come on Jay, what is it with this tree hate?
    Putting Demons behind trees? Complaints!
    Putting enemy bases behind trees? Complaints!
    Putting sludges behind trees? Complaints!
    Putting a goldmine behind trees? Complaints!
    Putting trees behind trees? Complaints!
    Never satisfied that man!

  5. Uuu, new model on Flamedus, nice. New story elements, also nice. Yes, it was changed in the original by the time I played this (1 player and 1 player controlled ally bases). There's the 4th Redfist daughter. Speaking of arkain's daughters, I'll say more next time, got something I'd like to hear from others and Shar(bcs this is his work, he's our "word from god", as tvtropes puts it). Stay tuned.

  6. I was getting Succession vibes from the conversation between Rangul and Gorthog and then they literally said the name of the thing. Seems like I found the clues I was looking for.

    I like Orie's cloak mostly because it makes her different from Demon Aedale. Since originally she had teal clothing that wasn't a problem but now that she's Redfist it would've been confusing.


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