War Thunder "Drone Age" Teaser [Just Music + Radio]

Just the music (plus some radio) part of the War Thunder “Drone Age” Teaser.

War Thunder Teaser | https://youtu.be/tg33uA1Jj7c
Original Music: Gruppa Krovi | https://youtu.be/xtxjm7ciwmc
Game: War Thunder | https://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_60989245#/


30 thoughts on “War Thunder "Drone Age" Teaser [Just Music + Radio]”

  1. I'm going to say this again.
    The song is Gruppa Krovi/ Blood Type in English its from a Russian Pop Band From the 80s called Kino, they were known as the counter-culture music group and very popular with the youth. The Singer Victor Soi sadly died in 1990 before the fall of the USSR, he didn't get to see the Change he called for in his songs. Some Other notable songs are Перемен/Change, Кончится лето/Summer is ending, Звезда/ The Star and Мама, мы все сошли с ума / Mama we've all gone crazy.


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