War Journalists Reveals What War Is Truly Like | Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger is a war journalist, author and filmmaker, known for the documentary “Restrepo”. Today we talk about Sebastians near death experience, what war is actually like, what true leadership is, and why society makes soldiers feel so lonely. Welcome To Camp

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00:00 Intro
01:05 9/11, Moldova and the Northern Alliance
05:59 Crisis creating unity + cost of rumination
13:33 Exercising calming the mind
15:13 Near death, national service, jury duty and voting
24:48 Apathy to politics + voting your ideals
30:02 Difference between military v national service
33:44 Lack of rituals into manhood
39:11 Masculinity – crisis, definition & attraction of gangs
45:19 Freeloader v Tyranny + its remedies
51:04 Absolute power corrupts absolutely incl. women
57:56 Conspiracy v conspiracy theories
01:01:53 Complicity from policing the world + change is possible
01:07:39 Understanding just wars
01:12:50 Iraq War was a travesty + President’s influence
01:16:50 Ukraine v Russia
01:22:43 War footage from Afghanistan to Ukraine
01:26:41 Storytelling’s power in war
01:33:00 Rebel forces, similarities + not getting in the way
01:42:57 Most impressive leaders + role of women
01:55:05 Trump is an operator not a leader
01:58:55 Parenting + stepping up
02:01:37 Sleeping on the floor + benefits
02:07:20 Smart phones + addiction curtails freedom
02:19:33 Boredom is good + trading likes for health
02:24:39 Having less toys
02:27:19 Dealing with resistance + late exposure
02:30:42 Living in NYC + proximity without familiarity
02:38:10 Children later in life + adapting purpose
02:44:00 Robbing yourself of moments + near death experience
02:52:09 Father’s presence + sacred not scary
02:55:21 The whole thing is unlikely


44 thoughts on “War Journalists Reveals What War Is Truly Like | Sebastian Junger”

  1. I vehemently disagree with his views on voting third party. He completely ignored your points on it. I don't know how a man as learned as him can qualify a third party vote as "sitting out of the system" then go on to talk about how we need to all strive for reforms. How the F does he think he reforms happen. The two party system is one of the roots of our voting problem; third party voting is the easiest and possibly the only way for the disenfranchised to reform our voting system.

  2. I’d vote for this guy for sure. I love his views on the impact of pregnancy on women! It’s like women get no acknowledgement of the risk and strength it takes to have kids. And we don’t have the right to say no to it everywhere too… so many women die from pregnancies they dont want 🙁

  3. 00:00 Intro

    01:05 9/11, Moldova and the Northern Alliance

    05:59 Crisis creating unity + cost of rumination

    13:33 Exercising calming the mind

    15:13 Near death, national service, jury duty and voting

    24:48 Apathy to politics + voting your ideals

    30:02 Difference between military v national service

    33:44 Lack of rituals into manhood

    39:11 Masculinity – crisis, definition & attraction of gangs

    45:19 Freeloader v Tyranny + its remedies

    51:04 Absolute power corrupts absolutely incl. women

    57:56 Conspiracy v conspiracy theories

    01:01:53 Complicity from policing the world + change is possible

    01:07:39 Understanding just wars

    01:12:50 Iraq War was a travesty + President's influence

    01:16:50 Ukraine v Russia

    01:22:43 War footage from Afghanistan to Ukraine

    01:26:41 Storytelling's power in war

    01:33:00 Rebel forces, similarities + not getting in the way

    01:42:57 Most impressive leaders + role of women

    01:55:05 Trump is an operator not a leader

    01:58:55 Parenting + stepping up

    02:01:37 Sleeping on the floor + benefits

    02:07:20 Smart phones + addiction curtails freedom

    02:19:33 Boredom is good + trading likes for health

    02:24:39 Having less toys

    02:27:19 Dealing with resistance + late exposure

    02:30:42 Living in NYC + proximity without familiarity

    02:38:10 Children later in life + adapting purpose

    02:44:00 Robbing yourself of moments + near death experience

    02:52:09 Father's presence + sacred not scary

    02:55:21 The whole thing is unlikely

  4. Yoooooo! My boy's killin it with these guests! Mark's credibility & popularity chart is bullish af 📈

    So happy for you, Mark! Your natural talent at this is undeniable. Nothing beats pure, genuine interest and curiosity when it comes to long-form conversations. Keep it up, homie! 👊🏼

  5. Does Sebastian really believe that the US wouldn’t invade Mexico if the country was close to joining Russia in a military partnership that would permitt Russian nuclear weapons near the US’s southern border ??? 😂😂😂

    He also said that he only reads the New York Times, so I’m not surprised

  6. Great episode. Most of the Ukraine talk wasn’t true tho. For example Russia never planned on taking all of Ukraine hence why they only sent 40k troops. They only wanted the eastern parts. Plus the same thing we did in South America we basically did in Ukraine by starting a coup and taking out the Democratic elected president. Not to mention we aren’t helping Ukraine to be the good guys we want Ukraine to loose the war in the end game we are using them as a pawn. So we can practice logistics battle test weapons steer experimental weapons and deplete Russia if most of its resources so we can focus more on China. It’s like dick Chaney and Iraq. We help destroy a country and we will use Russias frozen assets to pay areselfs to build it back up. No one wanted this war none of nato hence why America is spying more on its Allie’s than ever before.

  7. Unrelated but I've been listening in the background while working and this guy sounds almost identical to Dr. Drew and also Mark from Soft White Underbelly. I listen to both of their content while working and I kept forgetting who I was listening to speaking because of how similar they sound.


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