WAR IN UKRAINE: Ukrainian Partisans Strike Big: Russian Outpost Annihilated in Audacious Raid

In the past week, there have been significant developments in the frontline of Donna. The Ukrainian military has escalated their attacks, particularly targeting coastal communities stretching from Kirsten to Dnieper. Notably, they’ve established an extensive network of attacks. After the conflict in Zaporizia , Ukrainian citizens, especially in coastal settlements, have grown more united. An example of this unity is Mariupol, a crucial coastal town. Despite being under Russian occupation for a while, recent actions by the Ukrainian military and Kiev-based factions suggest potential changes in Mariupol.
Recent updates highlight a significant Ukrainian offensive in the Mariupol area, centered around Urievka village. This operation aims to seize control of a Russian command post there. The result has seen a considerable number of injured Russian soldiers, but no civilian casualties reported. Around 150 Russian soldiers were seriously injured in the attack. The command post, located at Sanatorium Cavalia, serves as a hub for launching Russian attacks on Ukrainian forces in Mariupol.
Just a day prior to these major attacks, Ukrainian guerilla forces targeted a Russian military base in Mariupal, breaching Russian defenses and gaining access to the facility. This led to a remarkable victory for Ukraine and significant losses for the Russian military, including hundreds of soldiers and at least three warships. The effectiveness of the guerilla tactic exposed weaknesses in Russia’s defense system, causing notable concern among Russian forces. Following this decisive assault, the Ukrainian guerillas have posed greater challenges to the Russian forces in Mariu Paul. Furthermore, a significant clash occurred between Qatari soldiers and the Russian military in Ursif, near Mariu Paul. While causing casualties among Russian soldiers, the clash revealed the fragile foundation of Moscow’s invasion preparations in southern Ukraine. Conversely, Ukrainian forces continue to make substantial progress in the southern front, shaking up Birdians and Zaporizia regions. Kiev’s offensive strategy paid off in the nearby Star Omayoska village, a key point in the attack on the Birdians’ coastal port. Ukrainian forces have pushed Russian troops at the Eurozena fortress to the brink of collapse, positioning themselves near the main ports of Bordiask and Mariu Paul.

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Hannah Malia, acknowledged these successes in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Urasina and Sarah Maisco. Meanwhile, the Russian Vostov Battalion reported that significant artillery fire had impacted the adjacent Eurozena region, resulting in some abandoned positions. The situation in the Velica Nova Silca area of Zaporizia continues to worsen for Ukraine, while Ukrainian forces report ongoing clashes along the advancing line toward Mariupol.


4 thoughts on “WAR IN UKRAINE: Ukrainian Partisans Strike Big: Russian Outpost Annihilated in Audacious Raid”

  1. Ukrainian Warriors and President Zelensky, you amaze the World with your Courage, Strength and Determination. We will continue to provide you with the Tools needed to rid your land from the evils of putin (The Unhinged Murdering Terrorist) and his Russian Warmongering Allies…God Bless Ukraine from the UK


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