War in Ukraine has countries lining up to buy US built F-35 fighter jets

As F-35 joint strike fighters move from station to station along Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth production line, screens display information that includes the jet’s overall sequence number, the military base where it’s headed, and the country that ordered it.

Those screens have a United Nations feel these days, showing the flags of the United Kingdom, Norway, Israel and others placing orders for the stealthy, fifth-generation warplanes.


6 thoughts on “War in Ukraine has countries lining up to buy US built F-35 fighter jets”

  1. F35 is Just something else that makes me soo proud and more importantly so thankful to be an American without our military and level of strength the freedoms we take for granted could slip away so I gotta say I feel like advantages such as the f35 for example shouldn't be shared with any other military which opens the opportunity for yhe rest of the world to eventually in some way shape or form be used against us any military advancements should be done same way as the f22 for example. Just a thought…


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