War in the Pacific – Lodrik v Heiden: A Japanese Invasion Fleet Looms on the Horizon! – 9 Mar 1942

It appears that our worst fears are being realized: Lodrik is approaching the Northern Coast of Australia near Darwin for what can only be interpreted as an invasion attempt.

We will do everything necessary to defend Australia from Japanese boots on the ground. Lodrik appears to have made a tactical blunder by coming in too light, but it remains to be seen how that’ll play out without giving it another day.

Two American subs got into perfect firing positions and unleashed their deadly payload this turn, and scored direct hits! Too bad they were Mark 14 torpedoes and they did nothing more than put some dents in hulls.

In China, Lodrik continues to move for an encirclement of the Changsha plains. But it’s not all bad news… we were able to get the bulk of our troops across the river safely into Henyang and take up defensive positions. If he intends to cross the river and assault our positions he will pay dearly for it!

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:14 Combat Replay
00:11:59 Intel & Turn Analysis
00:32:21 Closing

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Lodrik’s Youtube Channel:

Photo captions:
(Thumb) A Japanese Invasion Fleet Approaches Australia
(1) SBD Dauntlesses on a training sortie

Music provided by TheRelaxedMovement.
Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRelaxedMovement
© Henry Keate t/a TheRelaxedMovement. All Rights Reserved


5 thoughts on “War in the Pacific – Lodrik v Heiden: A Japanese Invasion Fleet Looms on the Horizon! – 9 Mar 1942”

  1. Does the red line signify how far out that you spotted the planes? You have a lot of troops in Western China that are not engaged. Why not march on Hanoi or move them east to buff up your defenses?

  2. How do you feel about your game after looking at that other PBEM that is in October 1942. I see some negatives (ship losses, his pushes into Luganville) but also a lot of positives (lack of progress in Burma at all, hasn't taken the Changsha city cluster yet, he lost carriers already, his plane losses are high). I see the Allied player in that game is already counterattacking though (Ocean Is. Burma, and Noumea) and I don't see you anywhere near ready to do that. Fast forward to October in this game and a lot more bases will have become Japanese and who knows how many more ships and planes you will lose. But Lodrick's bid to auto-victory you seems to be almost impossible now, so the late game in this dampaign will be interesting for sure as you aren't used to offensive prep and invasions yet, and Lodrick does a good job teleporting to your troop convoys.


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