Wandering Kemono Hunter – Chapter 5.10 – Kanna's Rage – Volatile Series 10

Kanna, Wandering Kemono Hunter

Sailing through a sea of her deepest fears, followed closely by burning desires to see 武雷庵, the darkness enveloped her consciousness. Memories replay like old movies, the color more vividly exuding from the moments she was more drawn to. Kanna savored sweet sentiments of the time she took 武雷庵 to his first spring harvest festival in Minato. He ate the ice cream vendor out of grape lilac ice cream and then begged her to buy hot-bellied gecko jam. She felt herself chuckle and it reverberated through the emptiness.

A mystical melody entranced Kanna as she watched herself give 武雷庵 his 12th birthday gift, the compass her father had passed on to her at the same age accompanied by a specialized Damascus fillet knife she had Natsume forge. 武雷庵 loved that knife, and had started to become quite the cook already.

Just as Kanna felt herself re-living the emotions of that day, over flowing with pride, love, and joy. As her consciousness began to move onto another memory she felt her arm twitch for the first time in what felt like eternity. With that sensation she then felt her toes tingle. Joy faded from her like warm weather in the fall, and within seconds fury began to boil. Her anger overthrew the pride, and all that was left was the love of her son.

That’s when she heard it, slicing through the blackness as smoothly as a hot knife through butter, Kanna was violently jerked awake. The roar of a predator far stronger than anything she’d faced in recent days. There was only one giant Kemono that could make its presence known to the entirety of Akikure, and Kanna knew what she must do. Fueled by a strength similar to an alligator crushing its prize Kanna’s body leapt into action once again.

High atop Akikure Canyon Kanna found what she already knew awaiting her there. The legendary and revered Golden Tempest let out another fearsome roar and leapt at Kanna fang and claw drawn and aimed at her vitals. Just like the rest of the Kemono since dispatching that dreaded Deathstalker and Ameratsu, this one was stronger, filled with more rage, faster, and clearly more violent. Kanna could sense an aura of murder oozing out of this once great beast.

“What was fueling the Kemono’s savagery?” Kanna pondered as she danced around the Tempest’s strikes. “Where will this end? If only I could talk to them.” Kanna’s instincts took over and guided her through the storm of wind and sand. It seemed it was over in minutes, but the sun told her otherwise. It had clearly been hours since the two had locked into battle. The sun was setting just over the horizon as Kanna made for camp. Not before harvesting every inch of valuable material she could get from this rare specimen.

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