Wandering Girl Thuy Was Robbed By Bad Guys And Rescued By An Orphan Boy

Wandering Girl Thuy Was Robbed By Bad Guys And Rescued By An Orphan Boy

Hello everyone, thank you for visiting the channel and watching the video. Please support me by registering, commenting and sharing. Please support and accompany Thuy’s journey to find her mother. Please subscribe and comment. And your sharing is a great source of comfort and encouragement for me and her during this difficult time. Please support and accompany her.

Thank you very much
Wishing you a day of health and peace






22 thoughts on “Wandering Girl Thuy Was Robbed By Bad Guys And Rescued By An Orphan Boy”

  1. I love this. Be Thuy is not alone anymore and this orphan boy will protect her. He is very helpful and caring. He even shared the bread with be Thuy. One of the best scenes out of all the channels that I was on. Whatever happens, this orphan boy also needs help.

  2. Яблочко от яблони далеко не падает, она также как её мать, тоже без колебаний бросила женщину которая о ней заботилась и привязалась а она сбежала да ещё и ограбила её.

  3. Эх ты,принцесса😱Сменила чистую,нормальную,не голодную жизнь на скитания за какой то мифической матерью которая не раз предала и ещё предаст🤬

  4. The next video, the comments are turned off, but I will comment here about next video. The older girl that keeps following you, let her join, with you & the boy. So that you three can gather more & sell your items, to provide & buy food & clothes.


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