Wandering D.C.’s Lonesome Roads – A Look at Fallout 3’s Side Content

In this video, we’ll talk about most of the side quests you come across in the Capital Wasteland. Beyond the side quests themselves, we’ll also talk about some of the standout locations and generally discuss the game at large.

[0:00:00] – Intro

[0:03:03] – The Power of the Atom

[0:08:45] – The Wasteland Survival Guide (Chapter 1)

[0:11:29] – Those!

[0:27:50] – Super-Duper Mart

[0:29:52] – Minefield

[0:36:54] – The Wasteland Survival Guide (Chapter 2)

[0:40:08] – The Wasteland Survival Guide (Chapter 3)

[0:40:30] – Arlington Library / The Brotherhood

[0:50:05] – Arefu / Blood Ties

[0:59:44] – Andale

[1:11:24] – Tenpenny Tower

[1:38:38] – Rivet City

[1:43:09] – The Replicated Man

[1:53:32] – Stealing Independence

[1:58:25] – Rivet City (cont.)

[2:05:23] – D.C. Ruins

[2:11:26] – Head of State

[2:19:18] – Paradise Falls

[2:30:03] – Underworld

[2:44:04] – Capitol Building

[2:53:34] – The Superhuman Gambit

[3:04:49] – Old Olney

[3:10:02]- Red Racer Factory

[3:15:22] – Vault 92 / Agatha’s Song

[3:24:39] – Vault 106

[3:32:23] – Vault 108

[3:38:16] – Vault 101 / Trouble on the Homefront

[4:00:27] – Oasis

Modlist – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UMD3DKrs6HBAPwieykdnlJDky1YKSe_KoRSjeGqex28/edit?usp=sharing

George R.R. Martin on Why He Kills Characters – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cspPt3-PFjw

Todd Howard at George Mason University – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrfdNJDVpR4

Synonymous Psyker Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT4n2jiUojs

Fallout: New Vegas Analysis – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URQ1tSUguYE

Fallout: ¼-Century Later – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZar60QvULE

#Fallout #Fallout3


50 thoughts on “Wandering D.C.’s Lonesome Roads – A Look at Fallout 3’s Side Content”

  1. I've saved Mister Lopez before, but never knew you could have him help out Ted Strayer. I've played Fallout 3 at least ten times, always paragon, and didn't know I had missed this tidbit. Hearing him offer to teach Ted to read was adorable.

  2. Ive never understood people who play big expansive games where there is lore and stories around every other corner and they just end up playing the main story quest once and then complain about not having much to do.

  3. Well, my thoughts on charon's situation are that he's confirmed to have been brainwashed to do his employer's bidding, and his whole life is about being a slave to his contract. Maybe it could be possible to un-wash him, but that would definitely require the help of an expert in psychology, and i don't think i need to tell you how common those are in the capital wasteland. It's likely that he'll never stop being a slave, but if his contract is to be held by people with good karma, they may or may not find a way to solve charon's *legal troubles*.

  4. Man I remember playing FO3, watching season one of the walking dead and walking up to my local library I used to play RuneScape at to read some HP lovecraft. What a simple time that was.

  5. Regarding difficulty: I do think Obsidian tried to do it correctly, ie having the default game easy to pick up, but including a "hardcore" mode for those who want to feel the pressure living in a post-apocalyptic world. They didn't succeed, though, as Mojave Wastelands is more akin to "wild west" with NCR approaching and plenty of resources around than a struggle to survive another day in a nuclear wasteland.

    I've enjoyed my own modded playthrougs where rads come easier and are harder to remove (ie doctors can't do it, you have to use rad-aways), ammo having weight (and being more rare on random loot) and all vendors' prices being higher. These modifications make every bullet count and are enough to make the gameplay more tactical with many opportunities for important decisions ("should I try to get in that area, despite radiation, in hopes there being some ammunition")

  6. What a cool video to get recommended to me. I really appreciate someone deep diving into Fallout 3 and more importantly the less than explored content. While I think it doesn’t exceed as an RPG, there is something about crawling around the metros and pockets of downtown Washington DC that is so uniquely Fallout 3. Thanks for making this video, keep up the good work!

  7. Wow. A video that respects and shows love for F3. About time.

    Not gonna lie. The NV/Obsidian side of the fan base can be toxic as heck sometimes. Nice to see a good video exploring the solid merits of a game I love

  8. On Harkness: It seems that the developers intended telling him to be the "good route", as you can obtain one of the game's unique weapons from that. But personally I… I don't know. On one hand I do think telling him would be the better choice, as he's bound to find it out either way one day. Imagine him eg hurting his arm and getting it x-rayed by Dr Preston and… ding. Or any other way to accidentally learn the differences in his body. And worst of all, it might happen by a nefarious third party, causing immense problems for him.

    On the other hand, though, he has some quite disturbing memories of his past actions. I would, myself, want to forget them too, if I was in his position. Unlocking those memories would be evil beyond imagination and I doubt there being a good therapist for him in the capital wasteland if one ends up doing that. Maybe any amount of good days is worth the price of accidentally learning of one being an android in the future…

  9. Watching this reminded me how worthless the guns in this game are. There is absolutely no excuse for you having to dump eight .32's into an old man in overalls or two mags of 10mm into an ant to kill them

  10. For the replicated man:

    I am a firm believer that knowledge is power. Him not knowing he is a synth specfically makes it so he cannot properly protect himself or know even his internal workings. He needs to know, maybe not who he once was but just that he is something more then human.

    Look at how close he was to getting caught as a example. The pinkerton was in rivet city and if he did employ better tactics to catch the chief then he wouldve sat complacent till captured.

    Maybe from the outside looking in ignorance is bliss but that more or less come from a actor-observer bias. He is much better off in the long run with some knowledge of what he is.

    Just my take tho 🙂

  11. Oh, you think the family's diet consists only of blood… Nah fam. One of my playthroughs I got rid of them all after I saw the guy who runs the shop eating some meatsuffs on a stick.

  12. So the antaganizor aren't they essentially weilding the "Wastland Whisperer" perc where they can aim their gun at lower level creatures and have a chance to turn them into helpers?

  13. The extreme pushing of your own morals onto a game world like fallout was tiring. Especially with the prejudice against the slavers. Borderline unwatchable as you made them out to be super villians but they are just raiders, you skipped over their quests to push your oc into being a mega good guy. And the tenpenny tower constant use of the word BIGOT BIGOT was un real dude please think a bit harder. Bethesda isnt good at writing and making a game thats for sure but its a fictional game with real world aspects. No need to be so dramatic about moral issues when you miss alot of good stuff. Besides that the video is great but stop pushing your own morals so hard. Makes you sound niave when talking about lincoln in a post apocalypse like fallout.

    Ps you got the BAD ending for the tennpenny tower, but you then go onto to say something so overused like >not all humans and ghouls are bad WE KNOW BROTHER, but you trusted a ghoul who wanted to kill the people inside the tower before he even got in. And then had the big realistation that DUH UH he is the bad guy. You pushing your all peoples can be good got good people killed inside that tower for a few ghouls who wanted to live their life, many cases in real life of something like that happening like mass immigration to western countries and it goes bad, are you young and not experienced or like you say a bleeding heart

  14. This was my first rpg game. Before this I just played cod and old GameCube games. Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart, deeper and more profound than any person could provide. This game basically raised me. I only wish I could get the memories of this game to dissappear so that I could I play it like the first time again. 2008 was a good year, I was only 12

  15. Reaching the Capitol building for the first time after advancing the quest to a certain point gave me one of the most epic moments in this game.
    Once I cleared the first couple of stair levels an Enclave vertibird swooped in and added a whole now alternate enemy to the mix.
    You haven't lived till you've been in the middle of a 4 way faction gunfight.

  16. F3 is way better than new vegas, it has more depth and exploration. Sure there are things about nv that are good but 3 is the one I never got sick of even at 100% completion all unique weapons etc

  17. Fallout 3 just feels so dark and grey.. not just atmospherically, but characteristically. It adds a sense of realism. Fallout 4 is so much more vibrant and comedic.

  18. At 6:05 you have exactly 2 choices in the game. You either let Burke kill Simms, or you kill Burke before he even draws his weapon.

    If Burke draws his weapon Lucas Simms will die. It doesnt matter if he survives the fight even. He'll walk out the front door of the bar and a script will kill him then and there. Don't feel bad. Saving him would require a first strike, which any karmicaly good character would scoff at

  19. i cant put into words how much i love this video. i want to write paragraphs on how much i love this video and how it makes me feel but all i get are strings of incoherent ramblings so instead ill just say

    thank you for this matt, this video fucks

  20. Very professional work and beautiful video. I like the seriousness in the way you handle the subject. I am sick of videos where the reviewers just flail and twirl their arms around, in the hopes of "entertaining" the viewer. Big thumbs up!

  21. 1:06:00 I have played Fallout 3 on and off for the past 11 years and never knew what happened to James Hargrave´s father until now! I always assumed that is fate was overlooked but, no. Bethesda provided the answer! This makes me wander what else i have missed. Fantastic worldbuilding and story telling!

  22. You claim to be a "good karma" character, yet you are more then willing to shoot people in the back. Where is your honour and sense of the sanctity of life? There is nothing subtle about how you deal with evil in the world and it leaves much to be desired, at least if you take being a "good person" seriously. You are still just another killer. I encourage you therefore to try and do a pacifist playthrough towards "people." If the enemy must end up dead, then try being creative about it, like telling the slavers where the slaves are and then following them there, watching as they fall, one by one, at the hands of the wastelands dangers. It makes for a far more interesting experience while keeping your character consistent with his beliefs of being a good person.

  23. Your Tenpenny Tower experience was an emotional roller coaster. In the the years I've played Fallout 3 I never pursued that path. At least you saved megaton. I can't imagine the grief of one person responsible for the deaths of everyone in megaton and tenpenny tower.

  24. This is one of the best YouTube videos I’ve ever seen. Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time and you treated the matter with incredible respect and worded the magic of this game’s world in a way I’ve felt since first playing it over a decade ago. Great stuff.

  25. Your commentary on Those! also omits the fact that Downtown DC is way more dense than Las Vegas. Outside the strip, there’s not much out there. A few blocks (IRL) from both the Strat and the Luxor, there’s nothing but road.


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