Walter Veith – The Nine Situations ( Art of War 1 ) ~ Stream facts

The Nine Situations ( Art of War 1 ) – Walter Veith stream facts

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26 thoughts on “Walter Veith – The Nine Situations ( Art of War 1 ) ~ Stream facts”

  1. Daniel 8:23-25 "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."

  2. God's army must magnify the Law. Isa.42:21. Those who belong to Christ's army must work with concerted (United, coco-operative, co-ordinated, interactive, jointly planned, collective) action. They cannot be faithful soldiers
    unless they obey orders. UNITED ACTION IS ESSENTIAL. An army in which every part acts without reference to the other parts, HAS NO REAL STRENGTH. In order to add new territory to Christ's Kingdom, His soldiers must act in concert- – – – . He calls for a united army, which moves steadily forward, NOT for a company composed of independent atoms. The STRENGTH of His army is to be used for ONE GREAT PURPOSE. It's efforts are to be concentrated upon one great point. —– The magnifying of the LAWS OF HIS KINGDOM before the world, before angels and before men. (MS 82, 1900)
    Thank you pastor Veith for this vital information. God bless you and your family and your team.

  3. Prof Walter you bring Christ into our hearts,our homes and our daily life.thank you and may the holy spirit continue to bless you in your fight for the divine truth.

  4. Interesting to listen to. Only issues is the audio visual with Dr. Walter Veith’s sermons. It’s ok for those in attendance. Video,Living IN the last days The second coming beast. It needs to be edited,then they’d hear video cutting out. Also why would the camera be showing the slides at an angle? How is the web audiences suppose to read what the attending audience can read, hear perfectly. It is very important as these are last day events to ‘everyone’ to know! Yk we’re blessed to have this man be available to preach.Don’t take taping of these videos lightly pls? Thx. 🙏

  5. How can the mark of the beast be Sunday worship, if the majority of people on earth don't even attend church? The MOTB is the worship of the image of the beast, the UN. Unless you obey all the image's laws, you won't have digital money, a bank account, job, or even food, which means you die if you won't come into the system the 1st beast set up through that global organization.

  6. My husband was raised a seventh Day Adventist and you should see the religious writings that he has procurred they're wonderful absolutely wonderful he's in a nursing home in Florida he has aphasia so he can't talk can't communicate I have all this papers he has the lineage from Adam and Eve he has the timeline from the first day the second day each or 10,000 years.

  7. What you say is what I know I know that they pray and they revel in the fact that there is a suffrage to Jesus Christ they don't pray to the ascended Jesus they pray to the dead Jesus because they killed him and they revel in that fact only

  8. I didn't like The catcher in the rye I never read it I didn't like it there were a few other books that were necessary for high school to read I didn't read I didn't go to Catholic High School I eventually got kicked out of the eighth grade

  9. One lonely DVD, just lying there as i browsed through a book-stand in Idaho and i asked the price- oh it's FREE! I thought nothing of it except that the title caught my curiosity- TOTAL ONSLAUGHT- The Islamic Connection ," by
    Professor Walter J.Veith.
    That was back in 2010.
    The fact that History, ESPECIALLY, RELIGIOUS HISTORY & PROPHECY are my favorite subjects besides MUSIC, and
    I really couldn't afford a Seventh-day Adventist Education… little did I know what apparently the LORD had just given me.
    The rest is HISTORY.
    I've received a free SDA College Education & counting! Thirteen years in 2023;
    The experience of a lifetime coupled with such spiritual blessings.
    And now he's teamed up with my mentor Mission Pilot Missionary- Pastor David Gates, the reason i was in Idaho. My humble opportunity was to play special music before Pastor David Gates preached. It was a week-long event in which SDA Missionaries from all over the world were.
    I pray for Pastor David Gates & Becky his wife and Professor Walter Veith & his wife. They ARE GEMS IN THE CROWN OF GOD'S REMNANT.
    Professor Walter Veith, dear Watchman, thank you for sharing your God-given special gifts.


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