Waiting on The Lord: Types & Shadows of a Pre-Trib Rapture

Jesus was away from the home of His friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus when he was told that Lazarus was sick. When The Lord heard this about His close friend, He stayed where He was for another two days before returning to Lazarus. When Jesus died for the sins of the world, Israel did not recognize Him as their Messiah. Jesus would wait another two days (two thousand years) before putting His attention back on His chosen Israel. When The Lord arrived at the scene, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Likewise, Jesus came to this world on day four (or 4,000 years) to die for our sins. When Mary heard that Jesus was on His way, she ran out to meet Him. She arose (Strongs 1453. EgeirΓ³) which means β€œto arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to life:” This action by Mary is a type and shadow of the rapture. As we continue to pray for our loved ones who might not know the Lord, this story reminds us to trust in The Lord who sees the entire picture.

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2 Peter 3:9
John 11:1-3
John 11:4-7
Matthew 16:1-3
John 11:8-11
John 9:4-5
John 11:12-31
1 Corinthians 15:52
John 11:32-44


34 thoughts on “Waiting on The Lord: Types & Shadows of a Pre-Trib Rapture”

  1. Good morning dear Sister Carol ! It is good to learn about not only the types and shadows of scripture, but also the precision and accurate timing of our Lord Jesus ! For those who are weary in waiting, please take heart ! We not only are allowed the privilege of living in a time to see ALL of God's handiwork unfold before our very eyes, but to know like He who created, the end from the beginning ! Being patient is not a human's strong suit. Martha and Mary showed us that as the 4th day of Lazarus' death came. They were not aware that they were seeing God's prophetic signs in action. They were concerned with the woes of the moment…Lazarus, their brother. Today is the same, many are not seeing the prophetic unfold, but merely the concerns of the day. Brothers and sisters, in just a little while you WILL do the following BECAUSE you patiently waited: Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (KJV) Blessings to you all, we're almost home !

  2. All Glory to GOD Almighty! Praised Be YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST… Hallelujah! Peace and Blessings Sister Carol.
    For a few years now, I've "felt" that JESUS is Coming soon. Around 19 December 2022, I had a dream and I heard JESUS say "I Am Coming Soon – Soon I Am Coming" and I also heard "The Lion Roars at Four – At Four The Lion Roars." I am still asking our LORD and hoping to hear more about the meaning of "The Lion Roars at Four – At Four The Lion Roars." At any rate, within my spirit I am "feeling urgency" to be prepared and to prepare Family and friends for I Believe that JESUS is Coming soon….. Hallelujah! Thanks and Blessings Sister Carol, I appreciate you.

  3. Behold the thief on the cross, before he died he asked the Lord to remember him when he came into his kingdom. The Lord can save people a second before the rapture. What is impossible with men is possible with the Lord

  4. Love your excitement for the Lord coming. I'm hoping for our blessed hope so much. When I was saved in 1999, the peace, love and belonging was so strong. I know this hasn't changed, but I miss the tangible love so much. God bless Carol. Maranatha ❀ xxx

  5. I've watched many brothers and sisters in Christ showing scripture of proof for the pretribulation. And some of a post tribulation.
    And I agree Jesus will come before the
    Come Jesus come!

  6. Wow, i never caught that story was a type of the rapture but it makes a lot of sense. I always thought it was odd when Jesus said that about the 12 hours of daylight in vs 9 but it makes more sense when you compare it to Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5, talking about how we're sons of the light and sons of the day.

  7. HI its me again with a question, how come we are using the years as The Gregorian calendar , and not the Jewish calendar, as I see the Jewish calendar is year 5783 and not 2023 ? so wish one did God set for us to use? should we not use from the date of creation?

  8. Thank you Carol for this beautiful message! Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!πŸ‘‘
    He is coming back very- very soon! Maranta!πŸ™ŒβœοΈπŸ˜‡πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ‘‘

  9. to add to your point. Jesus also said: "only an evil generation would ask for a miracle"….Now here's the ironic point, although the evil generation asks for the miracle and God performed many, when you move forward into the future, the evil people deny the bible because they don't believe the 'miracles'. Ironic, no?……They never see the moral meaning spanned across thousands of years and the time it has taken to prove 'that' point.

  10. Thank you for this video, Sister. Waiting on our Savior is a faith journey because our Father wouldn’t want it any other way. When 2021 and 2022 came and went, I came to realize that His missing the Divine Appointment I I set for Him means His plan for us is even better than I ever imagined.
    Please keep these coming, Sister!

  11. There’s no other book in this world that is living and breathing like the Bible. I can read a favorite fiction book again and again, but it becomes repetitive and there are very few new discoveries when I read it again. The Bible is from God and is the living word! I can randomly open the Bible and pray that the Lord leads me to what I should read. Every time, I am lead to a verse that is new to me or one that speaks directly to a current situation or need. God’s word is holy and alive and I’m so thankful for that. God bless you, dear Carol!

  12. Great encouragement sweet sister, this was one of your best, Praise God! May the Lord richly bless you & yours ❀❀❀. β€œ But if we hope for that which we do not see, we wait in patience” Romans 8:25

  13. "Lazarus come out of there," John in Revelation 4 "come up here", We are about to hear something. Great teaching Carol, keep on keeping on until. Hope to see you and HUG you soon in heaven. Love you Carol.

  14. Hello wonderful person who God has graced us with!
    May you be forever ♾️ blessed πŸ₯Ή with the truth you proclaim πŸ™ŒπŸ½βœοΈβ€οΈβ€πŸ”₯πŸ’―β€ΌοΈπŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

  15. Carol, I don't get why even the most educated Bible scholars know exactly what one day to man is 1000 yrs to God. Yet they all all start at the beginning and state literally that the Creator made the earth in 6 days…days as in our days 24hrs days. Am I confused or what? He God crested earth in 6000 years not 6 days human days 6 days God days. Right?

  16. Always a sweet blessing when you share God's words of encouragement in this crazy world…my heart is burdened for my family and friends who do not know the Lord…praying if they do not receive Jesus before the rapture they will during the Tribulation πŸ’œβœοΈπŸ‘‘πŸ•Š


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