Waffles & Whisky ep 151 – A performance driver / instructor

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8 thoughts on “Waffles & Whisky ep 151 – A performance driver / instructor”

  1. I was really hoping for some phone time with race car aficionado this man talks sense fact of the matter is this is exactly how my father taught me to drive everything that he said without the terminology and the wherewithal to explain why but I’ve had one accident in 35 years and it was totally my fault because I was not paying attention please bring them back Great show I’m going to watch it again!

  2. Great guest, G-Mann and I loved that new camera shot.
    I raced motorbikes when I was a kid and it teaches you everything.
    You're driving at the limit, of your ability and whatever you're driving, and everyone around you is the same, and the 'slightest' thing affects everything.
    If a bee flies across your vision you can wipe out a dozen other people if you react wrongly.
    It teaches you SOOOOO much and makes you a better driver as a consequence.
    Accidents are mostly caused by stupid people making stupid mistakes.
    I would make everyone drive a fast car/bike on a track if I could.

  3. The thing I've always hated about ABS is that when you pull over on to the side and hit the brakes, the ABS kicks in on the gravel, and you can't brake.
    The only way to stop quickly is to stay in the middle of the road, 'til the last minute and them pull over.
    But this scares the crap out of whoever is coming the other way and you don't know what they'll do.

  4. Great stream today G-mann, Gene was a wealth of information and a pleasure to listen to. You're doing a great job with the producing; wish I had the confidence to get on and stream content. Cheers to Sir Rudi, hope he is keeping well?


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