Waddle On

Hey everybody! I just wanted to say thanks for all the support in the last couple of days, I appreciate it a lot! As many already know, CPR has shutdown and we can’t play it anymore. It is time for me to move on to other games & fun adventures.
I made a montage of all the fun moments I had while playing Club Penguin Rewritten during the past few years. Thanks for watching & Waddle On.

#ClubPenguinRewritten #CPR #WaddleOn


31 thoughts on “Waddle On”

  1. Watching this video actually made me tear up , i never realised how things can just be robbed from us just like that. My childhood and happiness were made up by many memories and friends i have made on club penguin and when i heard the news i couldn't believe it and teared up. I never got to do so mamy things an d im just so sad i cant really describe it but thank you club penguin and you guys for making things special <3

  2. I still can't believe Disney would shut it down without warning. Not right. Thank you, Tiger, for putting all of your efforts into this channel! It helped me out a lot while the game was active. I wish you the best of luck in the future ❀

  3. hey buddy Awesome video of the Memories you had on CPR I know it will be Hard now but i'm looking forward to see what coming to the channel
    It would be Awesome with you did a Q&A

  4. Hey, Tiger! It was a pleasure to see your videos. Through your videos, I was able to learn what's currently happening in CPR, and I really enjoyed myself as EPF agent. It was fun to foil Herbert's plan and save Club Penguin. CPR shutting down is a great tragedy in Club Penguin history, and I will remember every moment I had, especially meeting you (my name was Culw). It's sad that CPR is going away forever, but our memories will live on. No other Club Penguin games can replace CPR, and CPR will be deeply missed.

  5. The Puffle Party brings back so many memories. There I am at 28:08 ! I still think it’s crazy how all of a sudden the game was confiscated by London Police, it really sucks, literally when I wanted to play it again it was gone😒 I’m really grateful for all the amazing people I met on CPR, especially you Tiger, you were one of the main reasons I started playing in the first place! Thank you for the memories, and being a huge inspiration, and a huge face of CPR’s community!

  6. All of the memories i made from my 3 years of playing the game. I made lots of friends and worked so hard on a lot of things in the game. Club penguin will not ever be the same anymore after all of these shutdowns that disney has been doing. This is just crazy and i will remember this. My childhood is gone.


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