VRing Through DOOM 3 p.1 – "Other" Scientific Endeavors

Here at the UAC, we love science, the mad kind especially.


42 thoughts on “VRing Through DOOM 3 p.1 – "Other" Scientific Endeavors”

  1. So glad to see this! Despite loving "traditional" action-y Doom, I always had a soft spot for Doom3 for actually being a pretty enjoyable "serious" horror reboot of the original plot. And now it's in VR! With gesticulation! Can't wait for all the smooches on Dr. Bertruger, that lovable scamp.

  2. I remember in 2004 thinking the strange "gibbing"/ skeletonizing effect looked stupid. And that it was obvious the intent was to try delete the ragdolls as fast as possible for performance reasons.

    Aside from that though I still think the graphics hold up, even in this quest VR port, just because of how animated the environments are. I can't think of any game since that's had so many machines with attached dynamic lights just doing stuff in the background.

  3. Are y'all crazy? This game looked bad in 2004 and it still looks bad now, technical wizardry doesn't mean anything when its so ugly aesthetically. It was never a good looking game even next to its contemporaries and it's aged liked milk

    Enjoying this playthrough though SGF, never thought I'd see you play Doom 3

  4. Man, I forgot how lousy this game is. Enemies walk like Sims, guns have less kick than a paintball gun, and the imp flames sound like you're getting beaned by a snowball.

  5. To be fair to the guy who sent that one email, if I were in a base where the power going out might mean that I won't be able to breathe soon, I'd be terrified of flickering lights too.

  6. The flashlight / pistol combination is called the Harries technique, I think. Interesting to see an implementation in a VR game – only game I've seen that has something similar is the Receiver games.


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