Voxel Time Lapse – Icon of Sin Cube

Time lapse video of the Cube from Doom II. This is using the base model I created in a few videos earlier.

MagicaVoxel by @ephtracy

Slab6 by Ken Silverman

Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/cheello_art

Please buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/chillo

Music inspired by Shrouded Hand, recreated by me.


34 thoughts on “Voxel Time Lapse – Icon of Sin Cube”

  1. Awesome work, really appreciate the effort you out into this, thank you. I am curious what you will do with the icon of the sin. As its just a wall texture. Will you make that 3d so the head and pipes etc stick out or just do romeros head?

  2. Just finished playing through Doom with your voxel mod (and psx sounds/ost) and it's like playing Doom for the first time. Thanks so much for all your hard work! I really appreciate how faithful you are to the feel of the original sprites – it's totally seamless. Every now and then you catch a monster at a certain angle and are reminded that they are 3d because the perspective doesn't break! It's everything I dreamed of as a young gamer back in the 90s! Really looking forward to all the doom ii sprites being voxelized – especially the chaingunner.
    Playing through again after finishing Doom Eternal has really highlighted just how far ahead of its time the original doom was – it plays so so well. The movement is just spot on – Doom Eternal does an exceptional job of capturing and refining everything that made the original doom so good. Hats off id. And hats off to you!

  3. Hello I'm having problems playing Doom with your mod, I use "Doom Touch" to play Doom and I can't because Doom Touch doesn't accept Zip but .wad and .pk3 (could you help me?)

  4. You're a great artist. I'll have to send some money your way. What you are doing is a real service to Doom fans, like me. Maybe you can voxelize Duke Nukem 3D after Doom 2, if you're a fan of the game.

  5. Hello I appreciate your work, and this is the 5th time I am trying to reach out to you about this but do you think you could eventually release an objects-only version of your VoxelDoom wad? Basically everything except monsters, it would be great to run that alongside things like SmoothDoom.


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