Voter Suppression Behind Georgia’s Run-Off: GOP Blocked 149,000 Mail-In Ballots w/ Greg Palast

Brian is joined by investigative reporter Greg Palast, who wrote the film “Vigilantes: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitmen,” available at


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34 thoughts on “Voter Suppression Behind Georgia’s Run-Off: GOP Blocked 149,000 Mail-In Ballots w/ Greg Palast”

  1. Why do this channel's self-id'd "socialists" give a fuck about a rigged political and electoral capitalist system featuring two far right corporate War and Wall Street parties? Or are these Bernie-boosting "socialists" here and at just a bunch of posturing shit-libs?

  2. Just like there should be a party for legalizing weed, there should be a party for winning medical services for Americans, there should be a party for fighting Citizen's United IMO.

  3. Had to turn off after the Boomer said to treat alleged illegal voters like hardcore criminals.
    I'm paraphrasing but basically that was his implication.
    Joking or not, I don't find that funny. Black people have been giving satanically unjust prison sentences for accidentally voting when they technically weren't allowed to. Illegal voting shouldn't be punished at all, just throw out their ballot and collect a small fine, $50 tops. The vast majority of people who vote illegally do so accidentally.
    Done with this video after that I already got the point of it anyhow. GA GOP is flagrantly cheating- what else is new? Can't deal with even jokes or asides that try to gaslight people into seeing threats and hard crime where there is none, while justifying the typical brutality and savagery of the the US penal system, including the crime against humanity that long-term solitary confinement is.
    I'm sure the Boomer is a nice guy and I don't mean to be a Karen, but he was wrong there.

  4. I participated in early voting in Georgia. Cobb county to be specific. The whole thing took about 10 minutes and there were no issues at all. Except that is, there were very few candidates worth voting for.

  5. Greg is way too patriotic for me. This country has never been truly Democratic. The vote has always been manipulated by the rich to keep the unworthy from changing things on a systematic level.

  6. If voter suppression tactics continue in the United States there will be no reason to vote at all. As it stands today both political parties are so entirely corrupt that at75 years old I find myself completing the ballot with regard to propositions and perhaps to a few other items but absolutely refusing to vote for the people put forth as some kind of option from the two major political parties. I refuse to entirely give up my right to vote but I'll be damned if I'll vote for those clowns

  7. Where do you have any (real) bit of demokracy? 2 cartelized parties imposed on you which studies show their decisions have 0 korrellation with the voters interests, but much with the interests of big money. Still the purely imaginary voting rights are taken away from you, if you are not a desired race. Main media is state controlled and free voices are silenced, lose their jobs, get incarcerated or worse. The rogue police kills people, the gov't wages wars. And you pay for all that. Saudi Arabia is a liberal place compared to that. 😲

  8. The midterms are a complete fraud. The US has become a third world. It is disgusting but accurately reflects the state of America. The collapse of the empire. I feel sorry for the US citizens.

  9. “If they’re illegal voters you don’t want them voting, I agree with that. In fact you should lock them up and throw away the key in my opinion.”

    …and who exactly determines which voters are “illegal” ? 🤔 Strange comment considering the amount of immigrants who’s vote are thrown away on that same logic. 🤷‍♂️


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