VLOG: Kyiv during the war 2022

💙Course “From Absolute Beginner to a Confident Speaker” – https://www.speakua.com/from-absolute-beginner-to-a-confident-speaker/
💛Our online school “Speak Ukrainian” – https://www.speakua.com/
🔥My charity project “Buy a t-shirt – Save Ukrainian life” – https://speak-ukrainian.myshopify.com/
🙏🏻My PayPal – [email protected]
🇺🇦How you can help Ukrainians in such horrifying time.
1. Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula –
2. Donate to save Ukrainian lives:
– The National Bank of Ukraine has decided to open a special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi
– Support the Ukrainian army: Повертайся Живим / ‘Come Back Alive’, a Kyiv-based charity, provides Ukraine’s Armed Forces with equipment, software, personal body protection, training, etc: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate-en/#donate-army-card-monthly
– US: Razom for Ukraine and Nova Ukraine raise money for Emergency Response: https://bit.ly/34WBPOo. , https://razomforukraine.org/
3. Write to your local authorities with a demand for more sanctions against Russia.
4. If you want to support me, you can do it here: https://secure.wayforpay.com/payment/s68a65f13b9e7
5. For donations in cryptocurrency – https://mobile.twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497594592438497282?t=tVgfRFXlRlS9_bYGYQ8hvA&s=09
6. Share this post with your friends on different social media. Don’t be silent. Speak up!
Pray for Ukraine a lot! 🙏🙏🙏 Help us! We must win Putler together. We are strong! I appreciate any of your support!
Слава Україні! Смерть ворогам!
🎧Listen to me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1aX6lVuf8K5kS8ZMyZoRqG
🎁Sign up for the Free Ukrainian Video Course at this link – https://mailchi.mp/speakua.com/course
🔥Book a trial lesson just for $1 here – https://www.speakua.com/online-lessons/

📌My textbook “Master Ukrainian cases” (Hardcover): https://www.speakua.com/product/master-ukrainian-cases-hardcover/
📌Ukrainian Flashcards: https://www.speakua.com/product-category/flashcards/

If you want to learn Ukrainian, write to me: [email protected]
👉🏻Follow my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speak_ukrainian_language/
👉🏻Follow my FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/speakukrainian/

🙏🏻I am really grateful for your donations: https://secure.wayforpay.com/payment/s68a65f13b9e7
Support my channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SpeakUkrainian

Take care,
Inna Sopronchuk
Founder of “Speak Ukrainian”



30 thoughts on “VLOG: Kyiv during the war 2022”

  1. Priveet Inna. What an awesome video. Kyiv is a beautiful city. My father is from Ternopil and one day I will visit Ukraine to see my cousins. By the way, your mum looks like a wonderful lady. I pray that Kherson will soon be liberated so you can go back home. Stay safe and God Bless you and your family. Slava Ukraini. Heroiam Slava. Dai Bozhe Meeru Ukraini. Stefan and Vivien, Nigara Falls, Canada. 🇺🇦🌻🇨🇦💪🇺🇦

  2. I regret i did not visit Ukraine before the war started too.
    Gloire à l'Ukraine.
    I must learn alphabet with your courses too.
    Kisses, besos, bises to all Ukrainians. Jyves from France.

  3. Це всі місця, де я часто бував. Я дуже сумую за Україною. Я також сумую за Києвом, Хрещиком і всіма іншими красивими вуличками навколо нього.
    Республіка Корея законодавчо заборонила своїм громадянам в’їзд в Україну до січня 2023 року. І якщо війна не закінчиться, вона буде продовжена.
    Я хочу повернутися в Україну. Я сподіваюся, що ця війна, створена злою жадібністю однієї людини, скоро закінчиться і Україна знайде мир.

    І одного разу на київській вулиці, якщо я випадково зустріну вас, я скажу: «Привіт, привіт!», хочу привітати вас з усмішкою.

  4. Hey Inna! I wonder if you could make a lesson about "та й таке", "та-та", "ну та", "та ну", "та йой" and so forth? There's lots of these little things that my wife says make you sound like a real Ukrainian haha. Would be very interesting 🙂

    Привіт з Німеччини

  5. I like 👍 your video log very much! As well as your speak Ukrainian instructional videos! You do very well with your phone camera outside. You move it very smoothly and your narration is very good. The problem I had with it is that your narration sounded like you were whispering. Three cheers for Ukraine. As always may you and your family stay safe.

  6. I am half Ukrainian, and live in the states. Every month I send money to Ukraine to honor my grandmother Annastasia Krawczenko, and to support all Ukrainians. After war, my husband wants to bring me there. I have never been. Slava Ukraini!!💛💙

  7. Дякую for the tour, Inna! I believe I speak for all your loyal students by saying we can’t wait to visit your future language and cultural center in Kyiv, once Ukraine reins victorious in its fight against the occupiers. My great-grandfather emigrated from Kyiv to California and I will be so happy to speak some of the language once I go, thanks to you. Слава Україна, Слава Героям! – Peter, Los Angeles, California

  8. As always Inna, thanks for your UA language instruction and tours of what life is like during the war. Amazing to see how much progress the 🇺🇦military is making in Kharkiv and Kherson. Soon the rashists will be defeated and you will be able to go back home to your beloved city 🙌

  9. Your voice is so relaxing, also Kyiv is so Beautiful and amazing! Ps have u thought about doing some ASMR? I think it would be fun, you could do it saying ukranian words, or reading ukranian literature/poetry for example! 💞

  10. What a beautiful city Kyiv is, I will definitely visit it in the future! Towards the end when you showed us Independence Square it was very sad to see all the flags representing people murdered by the Russians. I am proud of the military aid my country has given to Ukraine (and the humble amount I have donated as well!) but I still want there to be more, I want enough to be provided so Ukraine wins as soon as possible. This war must end with a total defeat of the Russian army so they can never again threaten Ukraine.

  11. One of the best ukrainian patriot I have ever seen – thats you, Inna!
    Слава Україні!!!


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