Visiting the Biggest Cat Cafe in Japan | Cat Cafe MOCHA Lounge Shinjuku | ASMR

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🚃🚶‍♀️How to get to MOCHA Lounge Shinjuku
2 minute walk from Shinjuku Station

– The charge is 220 yen (1.58 USD / € 1.47) per 10 minutes. Please note, there is an additional 55 yen surcharge on holidays.
– The maximum charge is 2,640 yen (19.00 USD / € 17.65), with an additional 330 yen surcharge on holidays.
– There is a separate charge of 385 yen (2.77 USD / € 2.57) for unlimited drinks.

🕑Opening Hours
The cafe is open from 10:00am to 8:00pm, with last entry at 7:30pm. It is open throughout the year.
*Please note, this cafe is only open to individuals older than junior high school age.

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⌛️Time Stamp
0:00 Opening
0:12 Heading to the cafe
0:38 Cat cafe MOCHA Lounge Shinjuku
1:02 Cafe System
2:43 Let’s go meet the cats!
3:04 The tour and price of Cat Cafe Mocha Shinjuku
4:49 Cat care : Litter Boxes and Water Stations, etc.
6:03 Friendly and individual cats
7:05 Crane game for human snack
7:43 Capsule toy for cat snacks
11:20 Games
12:19 Cat toy
13:14 Cats are cute anyway
13:53 Cat ice cream
15:46 Laptop Cat
18:11 Dinner
19:10 We are back at the cat cafe
21:20 Cat’s Dinner Time
25:25 After closing the cat cafe

♫Ending Music
Akira Okumura (

🐰Rabbit Dolls
Sylvanian Families (

#CC_for_Subtitle #catcafe #japantravel #vlog #asmr

・Titles, descriptions and subtitles done by auto translation so may not be correct.
・The price in the video uses the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may change depending on the season.
・We may be using affiliate links.


23 thoughts on “Visiting the Biggest Cat Cafe in Japan | Cat Cafe MOCHA Lounge Shinjuku | ASMR”

  1. Хорошая идея, прибыльный и благородный бизнес ! Вот только остаются вопросы : Персонал после закрытия ведет их домой – это куда ? В клетку ? Окон нет, солнца животные не видят вообще и уличный воздух тоже, эта музыка которая играет с утра до вечера , даже мне на нервы стала действовать. Вода одна на всех? Такие графины должны стоять в каждом углу, после корма кошкам нужно много пить))

  2. Please DONT feed the cats dry kibbles ! They get horrible kidney and urinary problems from them and can die. Cats need natural raw and wet foods to stay well. Some of the cats in this viedo are sick pure breds with too short noses with breathing problems (Persian) and short legs ( Munchkin). I find this cafe too artificial, mechanic, sterile, cold and urban. No plants, no greenery, just clean surfaces. Cats need natural grass to chew to clear stomach from hair balls and also sunlight to produce vitamin D on their hair and skin. They also need scratching poles to scratch and high poles to climb up to, soft beds to sleep in, toys to play with. This place is only weird.

  3. Vous _ nous sommes tous profondément malades! Hontes à vous à nous ! cet endroit est certes magiquement optimal, propre optimal… Humains méditez sur votre faille affective _ consommation!. C'est un bordel! vous êtes juste exploités et exploiteurs! – sous couvert d'une musique douce d'hygiène de bien traitance, vous restez des malades qui s'ignore apparemment; ;;; shame on you _ Us!

  4. Да , милые котики , у 2 – х , или у 3 – х глазки гноятся , подлечить бы не мешало , мазями , хорошее кафе создали , молодцы ! ❤❤❤

  5. We got cat and dog cafe popping up all over uk and got admit some the most relaxed cats In world been meet in one. Literaly the staff said the old cat was a grump stayed away from everyone and came down for food. I enter look up and see him and he just gravitated to wards me and decided my lap was where he needed to be. Best thing is he purr and none staff ever hear it before

  6. I think i would enjoyed it here, just spending time relaxing with the cats. I like how the staffs were very professional and i could tell how they really care for the cats. Its really awesome!

  7. Известно, что японцы крайне трудолюбивый народ. У них даже даже кошки работают😄

    (У нас, кстати, есть похожие котокафе, но точно не в таких масштабах))


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