Violin Making Adventures #115 (C. Macomber, Violin Maker) Antique Desk, Violin Make and Repair

This episode I cut and cut and trimmed and trimmed the week’s activities to try to get it close to 20 minutes. It is chuck full of making, repairing, and discovering! I hope you enjoy!


6 thoughts on “Violin Making Adventures #115 (C. Macomber, Violin Maker) Antique Desk, Violin Make and Repair”

  1. What an awesome find at the auction! It's great you can find these deals and repair and restore them. Looking forward to how it turns out! Freddie is looking chipper with his new scarves and apron. He is getting quite a wardrobe! How long do you think it takes you to do a new violin from start to finish? The Hebrew Minute is from Isaiah 41:10, one of my favorite verses. Thanks again for an interesting video. Hope you have a good week!

  2. The 'Hebrew Minute' is Isaiah 41:10, I think.The new desk looks really neat, but the 2 inch tall drawer dividers have me stumped. The violin you repaired has a beautiful voice now, wow. Good to hear from Freddy again. That was a jam-packed week in the shop! Stupidicus.


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