Vintner Karen Miserably Fails To Unlawfully Get Me Arrested & Trespassed From Public SideWalk #KCT


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34 thoughts on “Vintner Karen Miserably Fails To Unlawfully Get Me Arrested & Trespassed From Public SideWalk #KCT”

  1. You need to tell them that you work for Nunya. That's "None of your business"! Are these people really that stupid or entitled and feel that they can demand anybody to answer their inquiries. What idiots!

  2. Why If your so uncomfortable and feel threatened basically, why would you approach someone period. What type of person are you to think your so entitled that you can go up to a person on public property demand to know who they are there then they have to stop filming on public property. That is truly a special person.

  3. What is wrong with people to think you can approach anyone on a public side walk demand to know who they are or what there doing! Who in the hell do you think you are! And for the lady to get directly in someone’s face taunt them then use the excuse there making me uncomfortable you wouldn’t approach someone who made you feel uncomfortable period. Then make a a personal dig at a persons appearance nice finger nails! Someone could ask her has she looked at her self lately in a mirror. Not just ugly on the outside but where it counts your heart. There are just crazy entitled people who frankly choose to look like idiots.


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