Viewers join the show! recap Jets vs Giants

analysis of the New York Jets


16 thoughts on “Viewers join the show! recap Jets vs Giants”

  1. Been watching you guys for a few years now and that had to be the funniest show ever. Steve / Vman / Random man / balloons / hearts . What the hell was happening , I can't wait to see what happens next Halloween . GO JETS !!!

  2. My condolences Tyrone, stay up brother.

    Wilson isn't great, we know that but I don't think he's the biggest culprit. 1. Coaching as you guys identified 2. Receivers getting open / catching the throws he does make. Saleh / Hackett needs to get creative. What they should do is fire Hackett and make Rodgers the OC.

  3. You say we should have lost I say we should have won and it should never have gone to overtime. Giants don’t score that touchdown if it wasn’t for jermain Johnson personal foul in the red zone.

  4. The fact that Tyrone is admitting Zach played a horrible game , means that Tyrone is a man that just tells it like it is ! & doesn't just go with the popular opinion ! None of these guys do ! Love this channel !

  5. Off the play – action , maybe Zach's not looking down the field more for the deep ball , or deeper then 5 yards , is because he just doesn't have confidence the Oline gonna hold up & protect him that long , so he rushes the pass !


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