VICE’s Debate Panel on Feminism Was WILD

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VICE recently hosted a panel discussion on feminism with people from across the political spectrum, including some very woke and angry feminists and right-leaning YouTubers Pearl Davis (@JustPearlyThings) and @SydneyWatson. Which side came out on top? Let’s get into it!

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0:00 – Are You A Feminist & Is Feminism Dead?
23:30 – The Pay Gap
31:03 – Can They Name Any Barriers Women Face?
45:20 – The Abortion Debate
1:01:11 – Trans Women in Women’s Spaces
1:12:44 – #MeToo and Feminism
1:16:15 – Beauty Standards
1:32:15 – Final Thoughts & Is Feminism Dead?


37 thoughts on “VICE’s Debate Panel on Feminism Was WILD”

  1. I know people on the right don’t usually do this, but I think Pearl and Sydney should have refused to sit and debate with Eli. I don’t think they should even entertain this criminal’s opinion or participate in Eli’s fame.

  2. Great video, great perspective! The volume could have been more level. The guy adding comments is a lot quieter than Amala and that Spongebob transition (Many unbearable hours later…) gave me a jump scare.

  3. Vice turned the comments off on this video – cowardly. No one can agree on what feminism means, henceforth why I don't put these kind of labels on myself – because it says absolutely nothing.

  4. Women are physically weaker, Allowing men to sometimes take advantage of them. In business Women are told that they can move up if they become intimate. Women are attacked in ride shares. Women are told they can't work in the fields they want. And told to go work at home. A lot of women are scared to stand up for themselves. And pack together to stay safe. Cause their the weaker species physically.

  5. Ironic that lady on the bottom right dared to call someone else filled with hate? I hope she watches this back and sees how hateful her attitude was with every single word that was uttered from her mouth. The way that feminism has become so warped in just these past 10-15 years is sad but unsurprising in the current environment.

  6. Interestingly, 'womanist' or womanism is a term that comes out of black feminism, starting with Alice Walker, since the 1980s, and it specifically puts itself in opposition to mainstream feminism which they see as dominated by white women who don't understand the black experience.

  7. Do people not understand the concept of attraction? Like everyone on that panel that's saying everyone is beautiful, how many men did they reject in their youth without even talking to them? Like, after five minutes of constant "I never thought I was beautiful," great, you need therapy. You can't force everyone to think you're attractive without actually putting work into becoming attractive. My brother is far more attractive than me. He gets attention a lot more than I do. I don't resent him for it, because I have my own skills and traits that make me unique and appealing. Anything that can exist will have people who are better and people who are worse; it's the way human nature is, because it helps us in classifying mass information. And guess what? There are people who are more attracted to darker skin than lighter skin, myself included. So, this notion that "I feel ugly" stems likely from rejection, be it from a man you wanted or from a friend group. Big deal! The world is such a vast place with so many people you can be around, but if you haven't found the people that resonate with you, either you are judging them, or you need to be a little more pleasant to be around. Point is, you can do things about it! And yes, I'm also someone with a chronic disability – it's challenging, but it's not the end of the world. I'd consider it an insult if someone told me I got my position because of my disability instead of the countless years I put into studying and working hard. At the same time, I don't see myself running any marathons (nor would I be advocating the use of motorized vehicles vs. the regular athletes so I can feel "included").

    Stop pitying yourself and do something about it!

  8. Another point is that these people who want to blame "patriarchy" flip around in staunch defence of Judaic culture which more aptly qualifies as "patriarchy" than pretty much anything. It's like the old grand-daddy umbrella corporation of all Western patriarchy.

  9. if you told some of those male and female trolls that what they really needed do is go burn an eternity in hell so you could dance here up top to their screams as they giggle to the pain of the murdered unborn, they could quite likely get triggered, take offence and get you banned off YT so it is definitely wisest not to say nor even write that some of those male and female trolls on that panel really need to go burn an eternity in hell because in any case it is not a very nice thing to even think that those male and female trolls really need to go burn an eternity in hell let alone tell anyone that those male and female trolls really need to go burn an eternity in hell, so try not to think or say that those male and female trolls really need to go burn an eternity in hell, even if you know that those male and female trolls really need to go burn an eternity in hell —– now there's a good person eh..

  10. FINALLY one point I want to object to Amala. IMO, "empowerment" is a useless pipe dream. Nobody can "empower" somebody else. Power comes from within. It is a bottomless well. The idea of "empowerment" has come along as a trap, a trick. To get people to give up their power in the name of "empowerment." A woman who stands in her own power needs no so-called "empowerment." And therefore, can never become "disempowered."


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