Very Sad News / Life Stream July, 15 2023 / Different Russia

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45 thoughts on “Very Sad News / Life Stream July, 15 2023 / Different Russia”

  1. I am so sorry to hear the sad news of the passing of Alex’s loving Dad 😔. My deepest sympathy and thoughts are with both of you, and with your family. Losing a parent is so very hard 💔. My prayers and love are with you. Blessings from the USA 🙏❤️🙏

  2. Мои соболезневания. Я сочувстую.
    The French say 'les hommes s'en vont , les douleurs passent , mais les souvenirs demeurent'.
    It means: Men pass on, pain fades, but the memories stay. I pray that you find comfort in them.

  3. I feel the same way about pets. It's so emotionally & mentally hard to deal with their illnesses & when they die. They are just beautiful, innocent & purely loving creatures & that makes it so difficult to watch them when they suffer & we can't communicate to them what is going on & that we want to help. It's hard with people but at least we can communicate with them. So sorry to hear about Alex's dad. May God fill you all with a great dose of His Holy Spirit that gives a refreshing joy inside to believe that you will all get to be together again some day with bodies that don't wear out!

  4. The sadness on your face is heartbreaking to see. The love and heartbreak that you have for the loss of the father is clear to see. And if this is not out of line speaking it would be wonderful if you could do a live video at Alex's father's grave that we may all pray together and show our respect for this wonderful man he was tragically taken too soon


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