'VERY DAMNING': Bombshell Biden letter could prove involvement in Hunter deals

Rep. Russell Fry, R-SC, joins ‘Mornings with Maria’ to break down evidence pointing to President Biden’s involvement with shady …


38 thoughts on “'VERY DAMNING': Bombshell Biden letter could prove involvement in Hunter deals”

  1. The American people should remove from office. All those that oppose from Justice. Being done with Joe Biden and jail time. Hunter Biden and jail time. We have 2 level systems in this government. And that is not going to change unless they go to jail. And someone goes to jail for committing fraud. Treason and selling our oil to China. These are all crimes the American people are tired of this.

  2. The fact that the Bidens got over 20 million dollars deposited in various shell corporations in itself is a huge problem , nobody gets 20 million dollars for nothing , it was paid to them for a reason ! The other fact is they know why the Biden's were paid all this money , to get Joe Biden to make certain policies that benefited the people paying them , a pay to play scheme . The most corrupt President in U.S. history !

  3. We should not have to pay for secret service once the orange thing with no shame is convicted, but unfortunately and ironically we will have to, to keep the Helsinki sissy traitor from giving America's secrets for a bar of chocolate!

  4. We have him on video on T.V. bragging about a billion being withheld from Ukraine Joey laughing about it, that'd called Quid Quo pro. Show that all over the country on national T.V.

  5. The day Harris becomes commander and chief will be the day china attacks the united states. We have no Oil Reserves, no Manufacturing Capability, an economy in ruins, and crime and open borders… All We need is a Ding-a-ling Commander & Chief…

  6. yup, let's have 5000 more interviews about a impeachment "inquiry" before we start proceedings. Tell me, how long did it take the democrats to impeach Trump?? ….. twice ….. Republicans are gonna wait til brandon's out of office …. makes me wonder

  7. Let's get the investigation hearing started, include the impeachment, skip the votes and proceed with dumping out the Biden clan out of our "White House" "We The People" are the Majority!!!

  8. My fellow americans… Biden will NOT be impeached😢…hes too much a part of the big plan..it would be difficult to impeach a "puppet" with a nose that keeps growing and growing .. "IN GOD WE TRUST" GOD BLESS THE USA

  9. Devon Archer told Tucker Carlson that Hunter Biden joined his financial broking company, Rosemont, as "Introductions Manager"!! When Archer was appointed to the board of Burisma due to legitimate expertise in financial broking, Burisma became interested in Hunter Biden for his potential as an "introductions" specialist and he too was apponted to the board to provide that service. That answers all the questions around his qualifications. After that Hunter Biden proved to his backers his ability to deliver by prominently being seen frequently on world TV to accompany his father, the Vice-President of America, on Air Force Two, then later on Air Force One, and prominently disembarking from the Presidential helicopter with the President of the United States on the lawns of the White House. Also making sure that this nobody crackhead sexual deviant was seen by the world alongside the President of the United States greeting lines of crowds in Ireland as though he was next in line for the British Crown. Then, earning his $80,000 a month salary as Introduction Manager, producing and introducing the Vice-President of America to Russian, Ukranian and other billionaire players at dinners hosted by Hunter Biden in elite restaurants in DC where "discussing the weather" was just presenting proof to Hunter Biden's backers that he could deliver. Likewise, the at least 20 calls where the President of America was produced on speakerphone to say "Hi, how's the weather" to prove Hunter Biden's ability to deliver the introduction. This was influence peddling. Joe Biden showed no interest in the weather in England, France, Germany, Sweden, Australia or South Africa.
    The blanket immunity clause for ALL CRIMES COMMITTED in the past by Hunter Biden which was snuck into the "sweetheart" plea deal, turned down by the Federal judge, was an unqualified ADMISSION OF GUILT of such crimes, otherwise WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE FOR INCLUDING IT! Q.E.D.


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